µÔ´µÒÁ»ÃЪҸԻäµÂ (English)

  • Dusit Poll: Politic is a conflict – buying time
  • NIDA Poll: Demonstration prolongs – State will surrender to demands
  • Super Poll: Mob aims education reform to monarchy reform
  • Super Poll: 88.3% believes demonstration supported by international agencies
  • Thai Pakdee: NO constitution amendment- drafting committee
  • King Prachatipok Institute proposed reconciliation models
  • 6 Constitution amend drafts submitted to the parliament
  • PM endorsed draft referendum bill
  • EC: MPs Senators can’t help provincial election campaign
  • One million people registered with Half-Half Payment scheme
  • Economic revitalization schemes really worked
  • Thais concern super power nation taking advantages
  • RCEP agreement signed by 15 countries
  • Super Poll: Thais support Prayut as prime minister
  • Opposition parties support all 7 constitution amendment drafts
  • Mobs crashed in front the parliament premise
  • 6 reasons to reject i-Law draft
  • Parliament accepted to read 1-2 drafts, rejected 5
  • Rassadorn mob tarnished Ratchaprasong intersection
  • Absolute laws should apply to mobs
  • 31 people to be charged over violence at the parliament
  • Super Poll: i-Law movement welcomes enemy
  • Super Poll: Thais are still royalist
  • State of Emergency extended to curb COVID-19
  • 21 reconciliation committees to be appointed
  • Rassadorn mob road-blocked SCB HQ
  • Rassadorn mob seized Lad Prao intersection
  • Rassadorn mob big operation at Infantry 11 unit
  • FM response to Amnesty statement
  • Super Poll: 98.9% supports legal procedural over mobs
  • Dr. Anond: Disclosure of tax payment is illegal

    Dusit Poll: Politic is a conflict – buying time

    1 November, Dusit Poll revealed its study on “ The Extraordinary Session of the Parliament” done on 26-27 October 2020, on 1,035 samplings that 41.94% thought it was only a buying time of the government since there would be no change. 39.0% thought Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha would not resign. 32.32% though it was a political game. 31.93% thought it would be a solution to solve political problem and, 28.49% thought the senators and MPs must coordinate in solving problem.

    However, the positive effects of the convention are: 57.20% clear perspective of all sides, 43.93% all parties can express views, 36.52% shows government resolution action.

    But there are negative effects as well, 53.18% it was a waste of money, 53.08% useless/ nothing gain, 45.73% no party will accept the resolution.

    NIDA Poll: Demonstration prolongs – State will surrender to demands

    1 November, NIDA Poll revealed its study on “What is an end of the political mob?”, conducted on 27-28 October 2020 on 18+ years of 1,317 samplings countrywide that 22.63% are concern on a possible crashes among the demonstrators, 20.73% concern on economic effect, and 13.6% on the second wave of COVID-19 outbreak.

    12.30% said this is the most severe social rift , 11.47% said nothing to be worried, 7.67% are worrying on official suppression, 6.00% blamed on the third-hand manipulation and 5.84% thought it could lead to another military takeover.

    Their speculations towards the end of the situations, 19.44% believe the government would surrender to the demands, 15.79% said after a violence, the government would resign, 12.53% said after the coup there would be more violence, 11.39% equally on regardless to violent the government can control the situation and the demonstrators would decrease in numbers until disbanding by will.

    11.31% opted for legal process in tackling the mob, 7.52% believe the mob will terminate on any reason, 4.25% there would be another coup before a political violence, 0.53% said there would be a negotiation and compromising and, 5.85% no comment/not interest.

    Super Poll: Mob aims education reform to monarchy reform

    31 October, Super Poll revealed its field study on the three fingers demonstration’s demand conducted on 1,293 samplings countrywide from 25 – 30 October 2020.

    Among the demonstrators, 83.6%have various goals and able to identify their needs while 16.4% could. The majority 88.1% are under 24 year old, could express their different demand but 11.9% could not.

    90.6% said they wanted legal and societal rights and protection over sexual status (LGBTQ), equality to education, freedom of thought, inspiration, good life, good jobs, good income, good futures, no school uniform, freedom in hairstyle while 9.4% said they only follow the mob leaders.
    When asking on priority between education of monarch reform, 94.1% opted education while only 5.9%, monarchy institution reform.

    Super Poll revealed 88.3% believe international agencies support mob

    1 November, Super Poll disclosed its field study on international agencies role and the mob conducted on 1,287 samplings from 20-31 October 2020.

    When asking on their confidential over the super power nation connection, 83.3% were reluctant –uncertain on their roles in supporting the demonstration, 8.2% were certain and 8.5% disbelieve.

    However, 88.3% believed the mobs are supporting by international agencies, 11.7% disbelieve.

    86.2% believe foreign government, Thailand’s great friend can influencing the three fingers mobs to become royalism and unity, 13.8% disbelieve.

    88.9% said every Thai should monitor the mob and prevent them from being victimized in the violent while 11.1% said they should not.

    76.7% have confidence in the Digital for Economic and Social Ministry in helping the Thais to use social media in a constructive ways and united, while 23.3% no confident.

    When asking who are the real motivators, 89.6% said Thai politicians, 88.4% businessmen-investors, 87.4% academicians, 87.0% media, 84.2% international agencies, 83.9% foreign social media companies, 83.0% NGOs, and 80.3% foreign government.

    Thai Pakdee : NO constitution amendment- drafting committee

    1 November, the Thai Pakdee group led by Dr. Warong Dejkitwikrom delivered a statement expressed objection over the constitution amendment and appointing a constitution drafting panel.

    He said the B.E 2560 Constitution was endorsed by 16.8 million voters and Section 272, the election of prime minister by both the MPs and Senate, will be terminated after the first five years of parliamentary convention.

    In drafting a new constitution, all 10 organic laws will be terminated and re-write which could be a loophole for crook politicians.

    Some political parties are using the mob to amend the constitution, disrupt the monarchy and dividing the country.

    This current constitution is an anti-corruption due to criminal cases are infinite and the court prosecution can be done on offenders’ absent. The organic law also deprives life-long election right on corrupted politicians. The corrupted politician will be impeached.

    The one ballot system is the most fearful for old school politicians and gangsters while providing opportunity for the young blood as recently happened.

    The constitution no support negotiations for power/positions/benefits as happened in the past and lessen buying of MPs.

    The party list system lessen influence of party owners due to party list MPs are decided in the primary voting.

    17 November, Dr. Warong and supporters submitted the statement to the general-Attorney in line with the right endorsed by Section 49 of the constitution.

    KPI reconciliation models

    2 November, the House President Chuan Leekpai said King Prachatipok Institute (KPI) has presented two reconciliation models. The first is to comprise of seven groups; MPs from government and opposition parties, representative from the government and the Senate, and other agencies. Its disadvantage is when any party absented; the consensus could not be reached or concluded. Moreover, one might see the members are mostly from the government side and senators.

    The second model will comprise of some selected or appointed middlemen. Difficulty is to have these middlemen since they could decline the invitations.

    Mr. Chuan personally coordinated with former three prime ministers and the parliament presidents on this model and would like to find a solution.

    KPI delivered a document regarding to the reconciliation models that the most suitable members are between 7 to 9. The first is without parliamentary member, second with MPs, senators and non-parliament member each with equal numbers, and third only MPs and senators.

    House to read 6 constitution amendment drafts

    3 November, the parliament president Mr. Chuan Leekpai said the parliament would read the i-Law draft together with other six constitutional amendment drafts considered by the parliamentary reading committee. Though i-Law draft was not endorsed by more than 400 members, it was co-submitted by 100,000 people enabling to be included in the agenda on condition of three days inform in advance.

    PM endorsed the referendum draft bill

    4 November, the Office of the PM Office spokesperson Mr. Anucha Burapachaisri said the cabinet has resolved on the referendum draft bill with principles to promote public participation in democracy. The bill will be forwarded to the parliament for legislation.

    EC: MPs- senators don’t participate in provincial election campaign

    4 November, the deputy secretariat to the Election Commission Office Mr. Sawaeng Boonmee said the EC resolved to prohibit political officials; MPs and senators and other state officers to help or participate in the provincial administration election. Violation could be criminal charge up to 6 months jail.

    One million sellers registered to Half-Half scheme

    7 November, the deputy spokesperson to the PM Office Ms. Ratchada Thanadirek disclosed the HalfHalf payment scheme received a good respond from both buyers and sellers particularly small vendors.

    As of 6 November, 5.23 billion sellers and 7.1 million buyers have registered making an accumulation of spending 7,629 million baht. Half was from the buyers and another half was from the state. Average spending is 216 baht per transaction. The top five most spending were Bangkok, Songkla, Nakornsrithammarat, Surat Thaine and Chiangmai.

    The second registration will start on November 11 via website www.¤¹ÅФÃÖè§ .com.

    Economic revitalization schemes really worked

    9 November, 2020 the Digital for Economic and Social Minister Mr. Putthipong Bunnakan reported the poll result towards the government work after one year, conducted from 6,970 samplings, 18plus year old, countrywide between 1 to 15 August 2020 that:
    1. 78.6% are following government works via television. Following media are websites, FaceBook and LINE. 21.4% did not follow any news due to not interest, no time and do not like.
    2. Their satisfaction is 33.4% very much, 48.0% moderately. The most satisfied schemes are state social security card, COVID-19 solving, 1-6 year infant assisting, UCEP and helping farmers affected from drought. UCEP: Universal Coverage for Emergency Patient is a scheme to mandate all hospitals, state or private, to treat emergency patients for free for the first 72 hours. Its main aim is to remove medical costs as an issue during emergencies such as the definitions of emergency patient, hospital treatment rates, payment and after 72 hours care procedure.
    3. The most troublesome in communities are, 29.9% is jobless and working insecure, 18.7% cost of living, 18.0% low agricultural products prices, 17.7% natural disaster, and 7.3% narcotics.
    4. The most needed are employment, controlling consumer goods, agricultural products prices, water resource and state social program coverage.
    5. 29.8% were very confident in the government, 48.7% moderately confident, 18.4% little confident and 3.1% no confident.

    Thais concern super power nation taking advantages

    13 November, Super Poll disclosed its field study “Super Power Nation and Influential over Thailand” conducted from 1,743 samplings from 1-12 November.

    85.6% realized Thailand was disadvantaged, while 14.4% did not think so.

    88.6% think Thailand would be disadvantaged in the future, 11.8% did not think so.

    Regarding to the One Belt One Road project, 84.2% said it is a threat, 15.8% no threat.

    Towards the super power nations aids, 68.4% unheard, 31.6% had heard.

    RCEP agreement signed by 15 nations

    15 November, deputy PM Jurin Laksanawisit said after the 4th Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership : RCEP VDO conference summit ended that it was the greatest achievement in history that after a 8-year negotiation, 15 nations agreed on the free trade agreement, initiated by Indonesia, between the Asia-Pacific nations of Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam making it the biggest trade bloc. It was expected to eliminate about 90% of the tariffs on imports between its signatories within 20 years of coming into force, and establish common rules for e-commerce, trade and intellectual property.

    Super Poll: Thais support Prayut as prime minister

    15 November, the Super Poll revealed its study on the Half-Half payment scheme conducted on 1,121 samplings from 11-14 November countrywide.

    93.6% said it stimulated economy, small traders. 90.6% said it is a good initiation. 89.8% saw people happier, appreciation. 89.8% said people more familiar to digital and application. 89.6% said the scheme should continue. 89.3% economic stimulation and 85.8% promote saving discipline and spending.

    The Poll also revealed both young, 90.5%, and not young, 89.8%, generations support Prayut government to continue if there would be similar scheme in the future.

    88.0% of the supporters are people less than 15,000 baht income per month. 91.7% between 15,000-30,000, and 83.5% more than 30,000 baht.

    Opposition parties accepted all 7 constitution amendment drafts

    16 November, Phue Thai party leader Mr. Sompong Amornwiwat announced the sex opposition parties resolved to accept all 7 constitutional amendment drafts which including the i-Law draft. They saw the draft non incompliance to the rule of law.

    Mobs crashed in front the parliament premise

    17 November, the parliament held a session to consider on the acceptance of 7 constitution amendment drafts, three groups; Thai Pakdee, People’s Politics and Rassadorn gathered on the road on the entrance of the parliament.

    The first day meeting lasted 15-hour and due to the blockage, MPs, senators and staffs were evacuated by boat via Chao Phraya river to avoid confrontation.

    At Kiak Kai intersection, the Rassadorn mob broke into police barb wire barricade and threw water bottles at the police. Some surrounded the officers’ vehicles and some crashed with the Yellow Shirt Thai Pakdee. They threw water bottles and objects at each other.

    The Erawan center reported 55 injuries with 6 wounded by gun pistols. They were cared at hospitals.

    Six reasons to reject i-Law draft

    17 November, the MAST Center researcher and Biomedical Engineering scholar Dr. Suppanat Apinyan or Dr. New posted on his FaceBook why he opposes the i-Law constitution amendment draft.
    1. i-Law is supporting by foreign nation.
    2. The draft does not represent Thai majority.
    3. It inclines to be a blue print for new regime.
    4. It indirectly allows for corrupted politicians amnesty.
    5. Anybody over 18 years could be the drafting committee members.
    6. The draft was particularly wrote for the Move Forward party.

    Parliament accepted to read 1st and 2nd drafts, rejected 5

    18 November, on the second day the parliament convened, its members voted to accept the first and second drafts.

    The first one submitted by opposition parties, to revise Section 256 and elect a drafting committee to rewrite the whole constitution. 577 to 21 votes with 121 abstain.

    The second draft submitted by the coalition parties, to revise Section 256 and appoint a drafting committee. 647 to 17 votes and 55 abstain.

    The third draft, to revise Section 272 and Section 159, prohibiting the Senate from electing a prime minister. 213 to 34 votes and 472 abstain.

    The fourth draft, to revise Section 270 and Section 271 on the Senate’s function on monitoring national reform. 266 to 21 votes and 432 abstain.

    The fifth draft, to revise Section 279, to cancel endorsement on the NCPO’s orders and announcement. 209 to 50 votes and 460 abstain.

    The sixth draft, to revise the election system to 2 ballots voting. 268 to 19 votes and 432 abstain.

    The seventh draft, i-Law. 212 to 138 and 369 abstain.

    Rassadorn mob tarnished Ratchaprasong intersection

    18 November, Rassadorn mob gathered again as declared on 17 November at Ratchaprasong intersection. The moved to the police headquarter and smeared paints at its gate and wall. The Wat Pratumwanaram wall on the opposition was also tarnished.

    Later on 20 and 22 November, many people voluntarily came to clean the mess.

    Absolute laws should apply to mobs

    19 November, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha announced in regards to the recent situation unlikely to stop, the government and security agency will use legal measures to prosecute the wrongdoers. Every procedure will comply with international standards.

    He also praised those who came out to support the state by cleaning the mess and repainted public structures.

    31 people to be charged over offences at the parliament

    20 November, deputy metropolitan chief Pol. Maj.Gen. Piya Tawichai said the police could identify at least 30 people involved in the crash in front of the parliament premise on 17 November. They will be called for investigation and inform on their fault later.

    Violations are on violent, damaging public assets, gathering without permission, causing severe injuries, intend to kill etc.

    Super Poll: i-Law movement welcomes enemy

    22 November, Super Poll revealed its field study on “i-Law Master minder” conducted on 1,824 samplings countrywide between 19-21 November.

    97.3% said the government should disclose fact particularly on the financing of i-Law and networks. 94.8% believe they are opening door to the enemy.

    94.7% were depressed to know i-Law financially support by foreign agent. 93.5% are frightful on societal rift and loss. 91.5% believed i-Law is supporting by foreign agent to amend the constitution and reform the monarchy.

    98.3% said every province should hold activity to instill unity, gratefulness, royalist. 97.3% said the offenders must be legally proceeding. 96.5% worried on the state negligent. 96.1% said the state should quickly react to good intention and 93.0% said media must help in bringing peace to the nation.

    Super Poll: Thais are still royalist

    21 November, Super Poll disclosed its field study on taxation on 1,112 samplings countrywide conducted between 19-21 November.

    93.3% wanted Rassadorn mob to stop due to they had damaged public asset, built by tax. 92.9% said genuine citizen (Rassadorn) are those keeping not destroying public asset. 92.7% said Rassadorn mob is threatening and overruling state power. 92.3% doubted mob actions for their own and clique benefits. A small group of people have benefits from foreign financing.

    State of Emergency Decree extended

    23 November, the cabinet resolved to extend imposition of State of Emergency Decree for another 45 days, from 1 December 2020 to 15 January 2021. This is to control the COVID-19 outbreak.

    A 21-member reconciliation committee to be appointed

    24 November, the Parliament President Mr. Chuan Leekpai, the Senate President Mr. Pornpetch Vichitcholchai and the Government Whip Coordination Committee President Mr. Wiratch Rattanaseth jointly announced the three parties have resolved to appoint a 21-member Reconciliation Committee to comprise of:
    1. Two representatives from the demonstrators (anti-government sect).
    2. Two representatives from the Government.
    3. Two representative from the coalition parties MPs.
    4. Two representative from the opposition parties MPs.
    5. Two representatives from the Senate.
    6. Two representative from the pro-government sect.
    7. Three resource persons nominated from the meetings of the rectors of the universities of Thailand, Ratchabhat universities and Ratchamongkol Technology universities.
    8. Four persons with experiences from reconciliation.
    9. The deputy secretariat of the parliament, as the secretariat, and
    10. Four officers from the Secretariat Office of the MPs, as deputy secretariats.

    Rassadorn Mob road-blocked SCB HQ

    25 November, the Rassadorn Mob relocated their demonstration venue from the office of the Royal Property to Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) headquarter on Ratchayothin Road on 15;00 Hrs. The SCB HQ was temporarily closed for one day.

    Police officers lined steel barriers to close all entries to the premise and held a drill on anti-demonstration.

    At 13.45 the demonstrators started to come as promised. They were cared by special volunteer guards. On 14:42 an amplifier track came in and confronted with police officers. The situation was normal until 21:45 when a ping pong grenade was threw at the mob followed by 3-4 gun shots.

    The offender was captured and sent together with the injured to the hospital. Police officers and disaster volunteers came to block the area allowed no one to enter.

    26 November, deputy PM gen. Prawit Wonsuwan said the incident was an internal matter among the demonstrators. He reaffirmed no state officer was involved. The state wanted the demonstration to be peaceful, not violent.

    27 November, the 25 year old demonstration guard Mr. Pasapong Kulamornkan was pressed charge of trying to murder, possessing pistol and bullets without permission, and carrying a gun in public place. He was the Meenburi Politecnic Vocational school student. He was accompanied by his 49 year old father and the leader of the Meenburi Politecnic Vocational school students when surrendered at the police station. The injured is a 20 year old former student of the Pathumthani Technic school Mr. Prachakorn Saksrithaw, shot by a .38 pistol.

    Mr. Passapong admitted his crime and said he is the demonstration guard responsible in caring the mobs. He did not wear arm band due to the agreement that all guards would not wear band. He had a personal dispute, on different attitude towards the harassment of the monarchy that his group disagreed and his action was by himself without any hiring.

    Rassadorn Mob held anti-coup drill

    28 November, the Rassadorn Mob and affiliations held a protest at Lad Prao Intersection. The purpose was to conduct an anti-coup operation.

    Another protest was held on Lad Prao road in front of the Imperial Shopping complex. The demonstration was legally applied in according to the Public Assembly law and regulations on objectives of democracy reform and calling for rights and liberty.

    Moreover, another protest took place in front of the Imperial World Samrong in Samutprakarn province. They rallied to Bang Na intersection to join another group. This made the traffic to standstill since 19:50. Their leaders took turn to make speech condemning the ministerial failures, calling for equality, legal prostitution and reiterated their 3 demands.

    Rassadorn mob big operation at Infantry 11 unit

    30 November, at 15:00 hrs. Rassadorn mob and the Red Shirt group rescheduled their venue from Infantry 1 to Infantry 11 unit.

    Barb wired barricade and two old buses was placed to block the mob. At 16:00 the demonstrators rallied in. Some of their leaders; Mr. Prit Cheevarak, Mr. Panupong Jadnok, Mr. Shinawat Chankrajang were on the amplifier track protected by the guards.

    The protestors cut the barb wire, moved the buses and spray-paint the police vans.

    FM response to Amnesty statement

    The Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mr. Tanee Sangrat said according to the 13 international agencies; including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Asian Democracy Network, and the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development issued a statement over the government handling of the demonstration outside of parliament on November 17. He said Thailand had upheld the rule of law and respected the judicial process with transparency.

    In handling recent protest, the authorities have enforced the law in line with international standards, with the appropriate response to the situation. Those who want to exercise their right to assemble must follow the law and consider the safety of others, noting doing so would comply with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Thailand was fully committed to.

    The protestors on Nov 17 broke through barricades and tried to reach and off-limits areas, prompting the police to take action to bring the situation under control. The operation was proportional to the situation and was not excessive.

    Super Poll: 98.9% supports legal procedural over mobs

    28 November, Super Poll disclosed its field study on reactions on the protests conducted from 1,214 samplings countrywide from 20-27 November 2020.

    98.9% said state official should use every regulation to discipline the wrongdoings. 98.1% said if the laws are not fully enforced, there would be more law-breakers. 98.1% said inciting media must be handling. 96.9% wanted all criminals to be punished.93.1% said laws, particularly on the lese majesty, must be strictly enforced.

    Dr. Anond: Disclosure of tax payment is illegal

    Regarding to the televised debate between the Business Analytics and Intelligence and Acturaial Science and Risk Management lecturer of NIDA faculty of Applied Statistics Dr. Anond Sakweeravit andRassadorn mob leader Ms. Pansaya Sithijirawatkul on 28 November. On 29 November, Dr. Anond posted to further explain to those calling the disclosure of the monarchy tax payment that it is an offense according to the income tax act and also illegal in the Personal Data Protection Act.

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