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October 2020 : Arkhom Termpittayapaisit Appoints to New Finance Minister

  • Arkhom Termpittayapaisit appoints to new Finance Minister
  • Government approved 88 bills in one year
  • Extension-Addition measures to boost economy
  • Cabinet approved more benefits to the social welfare insurers
  • Principles of the draft Cannabis Bill
  • Poll revealed Thais disapprove indecency demonstrations
  • NIDA Poll: People disagree to Phue Thai joining Prayut’s coalition government
  • Poll revealed Thais see politics in a vicious cycle
  • State of Emergency escalated in Bangkok
  • Police will press charge on protestors humiliated royal motorcades
  • Move Forward demands government free the detainees- revoke emergency decree
  • Rassadorn mob held many demonstrations in October
  • Media association statement over the demonstrations
  • HRC : Demonstrations not deserve disbandment
  • SUPER Poll: 92.8% think economy worsen by the demonstrations
  • 5 conclusions on the constitution amendment and referendum
  • Cabinet approved an opening of the parliament extraordinary convention on 26-27 Oct.
  • Move Forward demands PM resign
  • The constitution amendment – referendum not concluded yet
  • The parliament president proposed an extraordinary session to discuss conflict solution
  • Rassadorn mob announced 3 demands
  • Criminal Court revoked orders on online media platforms closure
  • The extraordinary parliamentary convention
  • PM begged all parties to one step back-bring dispute to the parliament
  • Dusit Poll: Government NO buy time- demonstrators NO political tools
  • NIDA Poll: Thais worry unrest out control
  • SUPER Poll: Demonstrations were peaceful
  • SUPER POLL: Protest not the solution
  • Government: Parliamentary organism is the solution
  • Royalist groups to gather on 1 November
  • CC ruling on the MPs’ media shares holding
  • Royal Gazette : Financial lost accumulated more than baht 1 trillion
  • Government spokesperson: Thai economy better than anticipated

    Arkhom Termpittayasit appoints to Finance Minister

    On 5 October, the Royal Gazette website published HM King Vajiralongkorn royal endorsement on the appointment of Mr. Arkhom Trempittayasit, former official, to the Finance Minister.

    He replaces Preedi Daochai who recently resigned.

    Government approved 88 bills in one year

    On 6 October, deputy spokesperson to the PM office Ratchada Thanadirek announced from 1 July 2019 to 1 October 2020, the cabinet has approved 88 bills. Fourteen are now enacted, fifteen are reading in the parliament, one going to be effective, and the rest are legislatively processing.

    Among those is the Agriculturers Development amendment act, recently effective, will provide the agriculture revitalizing fund to pay debts for agriculturers who have debt guarantees. This will help both debtors and members who are also debtors.

    Extension-addition of economic revitalization measures

    On 7 October, the COVID-19 center approved economic revitalization measures, as follow:

    1) The measure to allow tax-payers to deduct maximum expenditures Bt. 30,000 on purchasing VAT goods and services, books and OTOP goods. Purchasing must be made between 23 October and 31 December 2020.

    State welfare card holders and people registered with the state sharing payment scheme are excluded from this tax scheme.

    2) Measure to revise the Travel Thailand scheme to include 570 Bangkok Metropolitan Authority healthcare officials, and 2,615 healthcare officials in the provinces.

    Upon register, the travelers will receive 40% subsidy to hotel rooms and E-Voucher for meals, entry fees to places and buying OTOP goods.

    On 12 October, the cabinet also approved another 3 measures:
    1. Allowance of baht 1500, each, to 14 million state welfare card holders.
    2. Subsidy of half to every payment, from e-wallet, when purchasing of goods from small traders. Traders must registered and have e-wallet, too.
    3. Expenditures when buying goods, from October to December 2020, maximum Bt. 30,000, deductible from the 2020 taxable income.

    It is anticipated these measures will activate baht 200 billion into the financial system.

    Cabinet added benefits to social welfare insurers

    On 12 October, the cabinet approved on principles the royal decree on criteria and rating of additional payment, on additional benefits and criteria, and conditions on rights to receive additional benefits for social security insurers.

    Principles are to revise payment rates to actual funeral expenditure, and cash allowance, for workers not being employees, to their families upon the insurers’ death. The insurers are self-employed in accordance to article 40 of the Social Security Act B.E. 2533. The new ratings are as follow:

    Insurers who paid monthly baht 70 or baht 100, will get a funeral subsidy of baht 25,000 ( previously baht 20,000) and financial aid baht 8,000 ( previously baht 3,000).

    Insurers who paid monthly baht 300 will get funeral subsidy baht 50,000 (previously baht 40,000).

    The Labor Ministry recorded, on 30 April 2020, a total of 3,353,939 insurers of article 40 of the Labor Act. Their annual distribution to the fund in 2019 was baht 1,557 million and the government additional is baht 779 million while only baht 200 million was used on funeral and financial aids, therefore, it is estimated the new subsidy rates will cost baht 77 million to the funeral and baht 93 million to the financial aids.

    Principles of the Cannabis draft Bill

    On 12 October, deputy spokesperson to the government Ratchada Thanadirek said the cabinet has approved principles of the Cannabis draft Bill, proposed by the Justice Ministry, with objective to prevent children and young people to access to cannabis and prevent misuse of cannabis. The Bill’s principles are:

    1. Prohibition of producing, importing or exporting of cannabis without having permits from the Secretariat of the Anti-Narcotics Committee. Violation is liable to 2 years jail and maximum fine baht 200,000.

    2. Prohibition of selling cannabis to people less than 18 years of age and pregnant women. Prohibition hiring or allowing people less than 18 years to sell cannabis. Prohibition selling cannabis in schools, hostels, public parks, zoos, amusement parks or via internet, or vendors. Violation is liable to maximum fine baht 40,000.

    3. Banning advertising and marketing of cannabis. Violation is liable to maximum 6 months jail and maximum fine baht 500,000.

    4. Prohibition of people less than 18 years to use cannabis, and people more than 18 years to use 4x100 (mixture of cannabis, narcotics, drugs). Prohibition promoting the use of cannabis on people less than 18 years and pregnant women. Violation is maximum fine baht 2,000.

    5. This excludes the use of cannabis in herbal, medicines, foods and cosmetic products under such the laws.

    The Bill will be sent to the Council of State and the parliament.

    Poll revealed Thais disapprove indecency demonstrations

    On 4 October, Director of the SUPER POLL Dr. Noppadol Karnikar presented the field study “Disapproval of Indecency Demonstrations” conducted on all professionals countrywide in Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research on 1,216 samplings between 25 September to 3 October 2020.

    The results are:

    The majority 97.6% disapproved the incitement and harassment of irrational information. 96.1% disapproved humiliation of the national pillar. 95.7% disapproved harassment on people of different views. 94.1% disapproved tarnish of reputation, and 93.4% disapproved aggressiveness, rudeness and impolite words.

    While the majority 97.4% disapproved the penalty of the Public Assembly Act, 2.6% said the Act is acceptable. And while 89.9% think the demonstration double impact the economy and COVID-19 situation, 10.1% think it is not.

    Interestingly, while the majority 89.0% opposed to abusive, threatening and violent on people of different views, 11.0% accepted.

    While 94.8% were concern and worried on the demonstrations that could be out of state control, 5.2% not concern/worry.

    Dr. Noppadol remarked there are 3 alternatives to this vulnerable situation:
    1. The state power responds to the demonstrators’ demands, within legal framework, and acceptable by the non-state power sect.
    2. The public should aware that most incitement on social media platforms were created by repeating action by bot and AI technologies until the neutral group is push to take either side.
    3. The state should quickly provide rationale and truth to the silent majority regardless to their political views and willingness to acknowledge.

    NIDA Poll: People disagree to Phue Thai joins Prayut’s government

    On 4 October, NIDA Poll disclosed its study on the Phue Thai party movement, done on 29-30 September 2020, on 1,316 samplings over 18 years in every region and every profession. Samplings were drawn from NIDA Poll’s Master Sample in Simple Random Sampling via telephone call of 97.0% confidentiality.

    Questionnaires comprised of questions on changes in the Phue Thai party; the resignations of Khunying Sudarat Keyurapan and party leader Sompong Amormwiwat. The results are:

    37.16% think it was a normal change to suit current situation.

    19.36% think it was a significant change and implies to an upcoming of a general election. 9.27% think it was a trick to surprise the government. 8.36% think it signs the Shinawatra clan will come back. 7.14% think it signs Phue Thai is cracking.

    6.00% think Phue Thai is reconciling with the government and 4.71% think it signs the party is going to join the reconciliation government.

    3.65% think it signs the party will not support the Rassadorn-Thammasart movement/demonstration. 0.23% think otherwise; preparing for local administration election, internal conflict, and 17.25% don’t know/no answer/no interest.

    On whether the Phue Thai should join the coalition government; 15.88% very agreeable due to will lessen political conflict so the country can move forward, better administrative cooperation due to Phue Thai long administrative experiences. 16.41% rather agree due to will lessen political conflict, reconcile, better solve problems.

    16.87% rather not agree due to they have different political attitudes, ideology, difficult to work together. 49.09% totally disagree due to many differences, if in coalition government will have troubles later. 1.75% doesn’t know/no answer/ not interest.

    When asked if the Phue Thai decides to form a coalition government with Palangpracharat, on condition Prayut not the prime minister, 24.09% very agrees due to problems will be solved, development progress, better changes.

    Poll revealed Thais see politics in a vicious cycle

    On 11 October, SUPER Poll director Dr. Noppadol Karnikar presented its field study “ New Politics or Old Tarnishing” conducted on 5,200 samplings countrywide from every profession, in both Quantitative and Qualitative methods from 1 June to 10 October 2020.

    Their opinions towards the political parties, 93.3% sees them same old ones due to their mobility to create mobs, organizes out-parliament activities, supports institutional /national pillar harassment , tarnishes reputation, uproots government, uninteresting, worsens critical situation and people’s poverty, selfishness, inattentive to foreign intervention, no concrete outputs but craving for power, using donation from the public to pay their utility’s bills, same old political performances etc.

    While 6.7% was confident on new innovation and new generation, new public policies, new measures to counter COVID-19, such as using social media technology in political functions.

    Regarding to their votes, if a general election comes shortly, the first party they will elect are, the Move Forward party percentiles, rose from 11.7% in June to 13.0% in July, dropped to 5.9% in early September, dropped further to 2.4% and 1.2% in late September and early October.

    The Phue Thai party was 10.8% in early June, dropped to 9.3% in July, to 5.4% in early September and 2.3% in late September. However, it rose to 4.9% in early October.

    The Palangpracharat party, in June popularity rate was 9.4%, July 10.9%, early September 18.8%, late September 4.9% and rose to 6.1% in October.

    The other parties, either government or opposition, no significant differences but interestingly, the majority wanted a new political party disconnects to the old ones, not influencing by foreign nations, disengage in shaking monarchy institution/ national pillar, not fighting for positions, not betrayal, really helpful etc. These opinions were 57.0% in June, 59.6% in July, 62.9% in early September, 84.0% in late September and 81.9% in early October.

    Interestingly, in the past 30 days, the majority 82.8% are using internet, 17.2% not. The majority 94.3%, not used Twitter, tweet or re-tweet political issues, 5.7 used. 94.7% never use FaceBook to post, share political topics, 5.4% used. 98.0% never use Instagram posting political issues, 2% used.

    However, 84.0% believe international social media are intervening Thai politics and/or posted sensitive issues that disturb Thais perception, 16.0% disbelieve.

    The study also revealed only 5 % of those tweeted, re-tweeted, posted, shared political issues are Thais which accounted for 2-3 million from total of more than 50 million. Among them are divided into the pro-government, anti-government and the silent group.

    Emergency law escalated in Bangkok Metropolitan area

    At 04:00 am of 15 October, the government lifted the State of Emergency situation in Bangkok to a critical degree resulted from the incident in 14 Oct. afternoon when the Queen motorcade was confronted.

    Following there were several prime minister’s orders in line, such as :

    The appointment of Deputy Prime Minister Gen. Prawit Wongsuwan to become the chief supervisor and the Police chief the chief operator.

    Others were the banning of a gathering of more than 5 people that causing incitement and unrest, banning of publishing, selling, dissemination information including electronic information that caused frightening, distorting, misunderstanding on the emergency situation impacting national security and peace, authorized officials to ban transportation on certain routes or using vehicles that using routes or using vehicles with conditions that prescribed by the chief supervisor/ operator, banning entering into certain venues and order evacuation from certain venues.

    Responsible officials were liable to arrest and detain the suspects/offenders and people intentionally covering wrongdoings. Officials could order the suspects to report, seize, detain tools and/os communicative equipment or sending electronic messages, armories, goods, consumer goods relating to the promoting of unrest, dissembling or destroy buildings that prevented official operation, if necessary and ordering a prohibition on people to do or not to do anything necessary to maintain state security.

    Detention venue was announced, on 17 October, at military camp in Chonburi province.

    However, the critical emergency situation was revoked on 22 October and returned to normal state of emergency situation.

    Protestors confronted the Queen motorcades to be press charge

    On 14 October, the Police Spokesperson Pol. Col. Krissana Pattanachareon and Metropolitan Police deputy chief Pol. Piya Tavichai announced the police will press charge against protestors confronted and acted inappropriately to Queen Suthida when she was in the royal motorcade travelling to attend a Buddhist ceremony on 14 October afternoon.

    The police had asked the protestors to disband before to motorcade arrived but they disobeyed, blocked the traffic and stayed until were disbanded at 22:00 hr.

    Move Forward demands detainees release-emergency annul

    On 15 October, the Move Forwards party released a statement on the 14 October incident that the protestors were exercising rights in line with the constitution and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) rules, therefore, the government have no legitimacy and necessity to disband and impose the state of emergency. All detainees must be released quickly, detained venue disclose, granting right to contact lawyers and relatives, and annual the imposition of critical state of emergency. Unless these demands are met, the situation will worsen and extended countrywide.

    The statement was released after the police disbanded the demonstration in front of the government house and arrest some of its leaders around 4 am of October 15.

    Rassadorn held several demonstrations in October

    Started at 09:50 hr. on 14 October, the Free People or Rassadorn held a demonstration at the Democracy Monument on Ratchdamnern Avenue. They set up a platform and took turn to deliver speeches. The mob grew larger until roads in the area were blocked and the protestors rallied to the government house at 14:00 hr.

    The police asked them to gather peacefully and unblock streets but the leaders insisted they would go to the government house as planned. The protestors shouted to oust PM Prayut.

    At 14:37 the mob was blocked at Pan Fah bridge where police asked them to detour due to a royal motorcade was passing. However, the protestors successfully resisted and expressed inappropriate actions when the motorcade was passing.

    The protestors stayed until 04:00 hr. of 15 October when the State of Emergency situation in Bangkok was escalated to a critical situation and the police disbanded the mob. Nineteen leaders were arrested and took to the Samranrad police station and later to the Border Petro Police camp. Move Forward party leader Pitha Limchareonrat went to meet them but the bails were rejected by court due to the police provided evidences they were captured on site.

    On 15 October, a protest was held at Ratchaprasong Intersection from 16:00 to 20:00 hrs. Some of the protestors moved forward to gather in front of the police head quarter. However, the demonstration ceased around 21:00 upon rumor that the police operation would start at 22:00.

    On 16 October, another demonstration was held at the Hua Chang Bridge. The protestors set up concrete barriers and blocked the streets with motorcycles. The police brought two water gun vehicles and blocked them from moving further. After the police notified all protestors to leave the venue, two sets of water cannons were fired and at 22:35 more police came in and started to arrest some protestors. Both sides were injured before the operation ended.

    On 17 October, flash mob demonstrations were held in many venues in Bangkok and finished without any casualty.

    Media associations statement over the demonstrations

    Six media associations; the National Press Council of Thailand, the News Broadcasting Council of Thailand, the Thai Journalists Association, the Thai Broadcast Journalists Association, , Online News Providers Association and the National Union of Journalists Thailand co-announced a statement over the situation. They also proposed intermediate solutions:

    1. The government to avoid using authorities as provides in the state of emergency on limiting the reporters’ right. Cautious in operating or overseeing demonstration and not using media to incite the public to become abhorring.

    2. Both the state and protestors must realize and respect the media’s role in free reporting so every truth will be revealed in all dimensions and in line with professional ethics. They should realize reporters are liable to present news and the truth, not disputant to any party, therefore, they should not be targeting of threatening, bullying, and intervening by any party.

    3. All forms of media must be freely in reporting true and strait forward evidences from all parties without distortion, using harsh words that might cause hatred in the society and unjust to any sector. The public should have right and full information.

    HRC stated mobs not deserve disband

    On 17 October, the Human Rights Commission (HRC) delivered a statement on the disbandment of the 16 October 2020 demonstration expressed concerning over the situation that it was not serious and deserve disbandment. The HRC called all parties to reconsider:
    1. The government and state officials should not use violence in disbanding the peaceful demonstration that is safeguarded by the constitution and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) that Thailand is one of its member states. Dispute must be peacefully solved through discussion.
    2. The government should not use violence towards demonstrators who are the youth and juveniles. Their rights and liberty to expression must be protected and safeguarded from impairing to their welfares, development and safety in both physically and mentally. This is protected in the Convention on the Rights of the Child-CRC.
    3. The government and legislative sector should use parliament functions in co-solving the problems and warranty that the protestors’ demands will be taken into consideration and rapidly lead to problem-solving.
    4. The government should heal damages from state officials operations to both, the protestors and officials. Those taken into custody should be able to access to fundamental justice rights.
    5. All must be able to exercise their rights and liberty in expression and performance. Avoiding harsh words or communications in any form that will create dispute, abhorring, inciting violence and discredit other human beings.

    Super Poll: 92.8% economy worsen by the demonstrations

    On 18 October, SUPER POLL director Dr. Noppadol Karnikar presented a field study
    “ Why Harm Thailand?”, conducted from 1,891 samplings countrywide of all professions, on 14-17 October 2020, using Quantitative and Qualitative methods. The results are:

    The majority 87.9% wanted to ask the protestors why they are damaging the nation, inciting a rift, for what, for whom and why doing now. 12.1% did not want to ask.

    When asking their opinions towards the Hong Kong economy, before and after the protest, 93.4% said it is disastrous, worsening, rifted, while 6.6% not worse, no damages.

    When asking about Libya economy, before and after the riot, civil war and foreign intervention, 91.3% think it was worsen while 8.7% not bad, no damage.

    When asking on the Thai economy, before and after the demonstrations, 92.8% think it affected the people’s life, worsening. 7.2% not bad, no damages.

    97.3% are worrying and suffering from the demonstrations, fearing it would worsen economic crisis and COVID-19 situation, 2.7% not worry.

    However, 93.4% wanted Thais to unite and return to peaceful, 6.6% not wanted/not care.

    93.2% supports instalment of democracy and peace, conflict resolve in the parliament than street protest, but 6.8% not supports.

    5 conclusions on the constitution amendment and referendum

    On 6 October, the sub-committee on the proposing of legal issues of the constitution amendment drafting committee before accepting on its principles concluded on five issues for consideration before organizing a referendum as follow:

    1. Is the draft to amend only Section 256, co-submitted by the opposition parties and the government party contradicting to the Constitutional Court verdict 18-22/2555?

    2. Should the whole constitution drafting starts after a referendum(s)? If should, how many referendums be organized? Does each referendum must follow an enactment or can use current act?

    3. Is the draft amendment on each section, submitted by the opposition parties, contradicts to the government’s proposal to appoint the drafting committee?

    4. Could one MP sign up to support more than one motion on the constitution amendment?

    5. If a constitution drafting committee appoints and the draft not accept by the parliament, can the draft be amended and re-submit?

    Cabinet approved an opening of the parliament extraordinary session on 26-27 Oct.

    On 21 October, the cabinet resolved to the opening of the parliament extra-ordinary convention on 26-27 October, with objective to allow the parliament member, MPs and senators, to discuss on solutions to solve the current situation.

    Move Forward party demands Prayut’s resign

    On 20 October, the Move Forward party members led by party list member and spokesperson Mr. Viroj Lakanaadisorn announced the party demand on four points:

    1. An instantly revocation of the imposition of state of emergency decree and release all detainees.

    2. Prime Minister Prayut resign after the revocation.

    3. All coalition parties to withdraw from the government, to start a process on the election of new prime minister not influencing by the Senate.

    4. An opening of the extraordinary session so the parliament can consider on the constitution amendment with principles to appoint a constitution drafting committee, coming from the public, terminate the Senate’s power in electing the prime minister and legislative voting on the national reform issues and design a new election system that truly reflect the people’s need.

    In the statement, the party disagrees with the incidence the government using the monarchy to incite hatred among the Thais so the government can use this incident to forcefully suppress people of different views.

    The whole constitution amendment – referendum not concluded yet

    On 21 October, the committee on the consideration of constitution amendment came up with two opinions in regarding to the amendment of Section 256. The MPs concluded it is possible to amend only Section 256 - appointing the drafting committee- drafting a new constitution.

    While the senators and Palangpracharat party list MP Paiboon Nititawan said it could not be done and if the committee submits the report to the parliament, he would file a complaint to the Constitutional Court for ruling. They proposed organizing a referendum(s)before the amendment.

    Regarding to the subsequently amending of each section, most senators seem to agree to revise Section 272, to revoke the Senate’s function on electing the prime minister, and revise Section 270, on the Senate’s function on the national reform. Many senators admitted there are lots of problems in reforming, therefore, MPs should be included to the National Reform Council.

    The parliament president proposed an extraordinary session to discuss conflict solution

    On 19 October, the parliament president Chuan Leekpai submitted an urgent message to the Prime Minister calling an extraordinary session of the parliament convention. The letter came after a meeting with representatives from both the government and opposition parties.

    The letter cited current situation and proposed all parties should bring political conflict to the parliament, for sharing views-facts in order to build common understanding and reduce conflict.

    The cabinet should hear opinions from the House-Senate in a joint convention in line with Section 165 of the constitution.

    Rassadorn mob announced 3 demands

    On 19 October, the Free YUOTH group co-held many demonstrations with the Rassadorn in Bangkok and the provinces. They demanded:

    1. Stop all legal actions against the demonstrators.

    2. Release all detainees without any condition due to the laws were employed unjust in the imposing of the state of critical emergency order.

    3. The parliament must approve the constitution amendment draft submitted by the people. This is a solution and will stop all unrest.

    Again on 21 October, the protestors submitted a letter to the Prime Minister demanding his resignation within three days otherwise they will return with escalating demands beyond the government.

    Criminal Court revoked orders on online media platforms closure

    On 21 October, the Criminal Court annulled its order on the closure of 12 media including the Voice TV, Prachathai newspaper, The Reporters, The STANDARD, ant the Free Youth website. The court reason the accuser did not clearly inform those media would be totally closed, therefore, the court had partially evidences making the court to understand the closure was only closing of some parts presented to the court. This reflects the court’s order was not lawful.

    The Digital for Economy and Social Ministry had submitted information to the Joint Operation Command for Resolving Severe Emergency Situations (JOCRES) for consideration and prosecution online media breaching the decree. The complaint was submitted to the Supreme Court and the court ordered the closure of Voice TV online and the Free YOUTH page. However, Prachathai, The Reporters and The Standard closure orders were annulled beforehand.

    HM King Vajiralongkorn endorsed the extraordinary parliament session

    HM King Vajiralongkorn endorsed the opening of parliament extraordinary session on 26 October 2020.

    PM begged all parties to one step back-bring dispute to the parliament

    On 21 October, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha delivered a statement begging all Thais to relinquish personal feeling and needs for better future of the nation. All must consider the silent majority that is struggling to live their lives and feeding their families.

    In his statement, he said public administration should conform to laws and orders and the final decision is at the parliament, not from the protestors or protestors’ demands.

    Dusit Poll: Government NO buy time- demonstrators NO political tools

    On 25 October the Dusit Poll revealed its study on “The Current Political Demonstrations” conducted online from 5,738 samplings on 19-22 October 2020 to reflect opinions towards the increasing political demonstrations in Bangkok and provinces. The results are:

    1. Causes of the increasing demonstrations
          62.33% displeased with the Prime Minister administration.
          49.85% demanding democracy/ no succeeding dictatorship power.
          48.42% fighting for political power.
          47.11% wanting rapidly constitution amendment.
          44.15% displeased with government’s poor output.

    2. the most message to the government:
          72.37% don’t buy time/ take rapid reaction/ resolve problems.
          61.69% don’t use violence.
          60.43% please listen to their demands.
          57.41% it was democratic expression.
          53.09% people have rights to assembling.

    3. Message to the protestors:
          73.31% be mindful, don’t become political tools to anybody.
          65.97% beware of COVID-19
          63.85% don’t use violence.
          60.67% respect laws.
          60.41% don’t touch the monarchy institution.

    4. Message to the media:
          84.21% uphold professional ethics.
          77.27% uphold neutrality.
          73.77% creative reporting/not guiding.
          61.71% don’t inciting or arousing.
          57.70% reporting all parties needs and demands/ don’t take side.

    5. How to stop political protesting:
          61.44% non-violent on both sides.
          57.90% the government sincerely solve problems.
          56.58% conduct peace talk
          49.54% both sides listen to each other.
          44.09% flexibility/ one step back

    Noted: Each person can choose more than one answer (percentiles were calculated from each item)

    NIDA Poll: Thais worried unrest could out of control

    On 25 October, the NIDA Poll disclosed its study on “Violent….Rift ?” conducted on 19-20 October 2020 on 1,336 samplings over 18 years countrywide in every education level and profession. Samplings were drawn from NIDA’s Master Sample by using Simple Random method and using telephone provided 97.0 % confidentiality.

    Regarding to concerns over the demonstrations started since 14 October 2020, 24.48% were very worried due to fearing of violent intrusion from third persons as happened before while some said the Rassadorn mob is over confident and aggressive

    34.21% rather worried due to afraid there might be a conspiracy as occurred in the past, could spark a crash between different political concepts and could be injuries.

    18.41% rather not worried due to it was the exercising of rights and liberty of the Rassadorn mob calling the government to listen to their reasons in protesting and have confident the government could control the situation.

    22.23% not worried due to everyone has rights and liberty to express different opinions, the demonstrations were peaceful and short.

    0.67% no comment/ no interest.

    When being asked which side they will choose, 36.45% are deciding on one side, 33.46% has already decided, 29.94% will not decide and 0.15% no answer.

    SUPER Poll: the demonstrations were peaceful

    On 24 October, the SUPER POLL revealed its study “Common Stand of Thai People” conducted on 3,135 samplings countrywide from every profession in Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research on 18 – 23 October. The results are:

    96.7% said the youth calling should focus on politics only, no related to the monarchy institution.

    96.4 % said the demonstration were peaceful, could become a hope for the nation.

    93.7 % said the youth was in order, peaceful, non- violent.

    Regarding to what adults should be role models for the youth. Out of ten score, 8.04 was good jobs good income, good future. 7.94 being examples of decent citizens, helpful, participate in public services. 7.90 being disciplined, smart, brave, and 7.75 local belongings, grateful, protect the national pillars.

    When asking what should be the common interest of both old and new generations? 65.1% gratitude to the mother land and community. 63.4% conveniences. 63.2% good attitude towards the nation. 62.8% safety in living. 58.8% looking for the super power nations to help Thailand install peace, no interfere in domestic politics.

    On rating confidentiality over PM Prayut concerning his goodness, sincerity in solving national problem, out of 10 scores, he was given 5.79, quite remarkably.

    SUPER POLL: Protest not the solution

    On 25 October, the SUPER POLL director Dr. Noppadol Karnikar revealed a field study “ Foreign Countries Don’t Mesh Up” conducted from 21,393 samplings of every profession countrywide in Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research using the Net Super Poll in social media and 1,742 samplings in Traditional Voice, on 20-24 October 2020. The results are:

    98.3% asked super power nations to maintain good friendship and let the Thais freely solve problems.

    97.6% wanted politicians and political parties to co-solve problems with the people, don’t invite other nations to create unrest and interfere Thai matters.

    97.5% some politicians and political parties co-incited situation with mob leaders, created unrest, a rift, exchanging benefits.

    97.1% said foreign country intervening, after Thailand devastated will come to reset and takes benefits.

    87.6% said foreign country trying to make Thailand similar to Libya, Tunisia, Hong Kong and some other countries in the Middle East. Thais are suffering from rift and escalating violence.

    The majority 96.8% said protesting is not the solution because it increase hardship, economic crisis, COVID-19. All parties should use dialogue and co-resolve the problems. Only 3% said protest is the solution.

    The study “Social Media Voice” via Net Super Poll on potential after launching 4 political messages; Free Youth, Stop threatening the people, Fight is Thais-Retreat is Slaves, and WhatHappenInThailand found that the High-Active Users are inciting from abroad until the messages were 7-fold to actual number.

    The study also found in the last 30 days, there are more High-Active Users abroad than in Thailand and they had posted almost 200 inciting messages. While there are 12,290 accounts of High-Active Users in the country posted on WhatHappenInThailand, a total of 2,379,617 were recorded. This proves most of the High-Active Users are outside the country.

    Regarding to the message “Stop Threatening the People”, High-Active Users in Thailand is only 20,517 accounts against a total of 1,557,871 from abroad. The Free Youth message has 20,440 accounts in the country against 636,715 from abroad.

    More interestingly is the message “Fight is Thais-Retreat is Slaves”, only domestic and foreign accounts are 849 and 852 respectively. This reflects the message did not capture attention. Maybe the cause is that King Rama V had emancipated slavery in Thailand hundreds years ago, therefore, the message reminds the viewers to His Majesty great merits.

    Government: Parliamentary system is the solution

    On 25 October, the government spokesperson Ratchada Thanadirek said the government intends to use parliamentary mechanism to solve situation and ready to listen to both facts and opinions from all parties to find the most suitable solution that acceptable to the majority. There are short and long term economic revitalization measures being employed along with political solution to lessen impact from COVID-19 and makes the country to move forward in full capability. Recently, there is good sign that Thailand is improving positively. The IMF evaluates Thailand economic shrinkage is less than anticipated, actually minus 7.1% against estimated minus 7.7%. Export in September was less shrank for consecutively three months.

    Ms. Ratchada also said there are many projects affecting trading growth and investment after the COVID-19 pandemic. They are the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) in which in the past January to August, investors has applied for privileges, making total investment cost baht 68 billion. The Southern Economic Corridor (SEC) is sustainably progress and the development of airport infrastructure to serve the South Asia countries has total population more than 1.5 billion.

    In respective to different opinions, the government acknowledges every view and intends to find suitable solution with members of the parliament. An extraordinary convention was scheduled on 26-27 October and anticipating the constitution amendment can start in mid- November together with resolving political problems.

    Royalist groups to gather on 1 November

    On 27 October, a royalist networks led by renown vocalist Mrs. Haruthai Muangbunsri, aka Au, and independent scholar Mr. Sastra To-on, went to the US Embassy on Wittayu road to express symbolic gesture asking media to respect internal matter of Thailand. She said Thailand is rifting by different opinions which is acceptable if it is political viewpoints. However, attacking the monarchy institution must be stopped due to the institution is the national security and uniting all Thais.

    At noon, in front of the parliament premise, more royalist groups of 400 people wearing yellow shirts came to express their symbolic performance and supporting the government.

    On the same day, Mr. Bin Bunleurit posted a message asking those networks to assemble in front of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha at 16:00 hr. on 1 November. Dress code is yellow and pink shirts.

    CC ruling on the MPs’ media shares holding

    On 28 October the Constitutional Court ruled to terminate only one, from total 64 MPs accused of holding media shares, and acquits the rest.

    The complaints were filed to the court but the court found only the Move Forward MP Thanwarin Sukapisit was holding the shares regardless to presented evidence of the share transfer. The court found irregularity and the offender did not present evident.

    The court resolved Mr. Thanwarin was disqualified on 6 February 2019, the date he was listed in the Future Forward party list MPs. This making him unqualified to the House member since 6 February 2019.

    Royal Gazette : Deficit accumulated more than baht 1 trillion

    On 22 October, the Royal Gazette published the Finance Ministry report of the weekly financing of the Bank of Thailand, Reserved Fund and Currency Situation that as of 30 July 2020, national deficit accumulates was 1,069,366,246,596 baht.

    Government spokesperson : Thai economy better than anticipated

    On 31 October, the spokesperson to the Prime Minister Office said the World Bank rates Thailand 21th from 190 countries in the Doing Business 2020 report. This shows Thailand is improving and went up 6 ranking which is the best in six years. This reflects Thai economy is adjusting to cater for industrial development of high value in the 10+2 industrial targets. This is a result from the government endeavor to minimize process in applying permits and inducing digital technology. Regulations are adjusted to increase competitiveness.

    He also cited the Fitch Ratings retains Thailand Sovereign Credit Rating at BBB+ and gave Thailand Outlook Stable from 3 significant conditions:
    1. The financial sector and foreign monetary are high enough to handle changes and economic instability including impact from COVID-19 outbreak.
    2. Public financial sector is strong from firmly keeping financial disciplinary.
    3. International currency sector is strong due to a surplus current account balance and high international reserve fund.

    The economic shrinkage is lower than anticipation, -7 % against estimated -8.2 to -7.2% due to the government economic revitalization schemes enhancing buying power to those low income households holding state welfare cards and other incentives schemes, such as the State Sharing payment, the Shopping refund, the Travel Thailand, and many more on-rolling loans schemes. Concern is that these schemes might be interrupted or even disrupted and this will impact the consumer’s demand and the investors’ confidentiality.


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