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July 2013 : Security Law in 3 Bangkok Districts

  • An audio clip of Thaksin’s dialogue posted
  • Al-Qaeda video threaten Thaksin
  • Rice pledge could be corrupted in every process
  • Constitutional Court president resigned before term ends
  • NACC absolved Sudarat over computer procurement
  • NACC indicted Surapong favored Shin Corp.
  • Crude oil leak in Gulf of Thailand
  • Water management program appealed to Administration Court’s ruling
  • Deep South violence lessen as Ramadan began
  • Personal income tax readjust
  • Economic slowdown in Q2
  • LPG prices to step increase since 1st September

    ISA in 3 Bangkok districts Aug 1-10

    On July 31, the cabinet resolved to impose the Internal Security Act (ISA) on August 1-10 in order to maintain peace and order in Bangkok’s three risk-prone districts; Dusit, Pomprap Satrupai and Phra Nakhon.

    The application was imposed according to the monitoring agencies’ deemed necessity as the People’s Army against the Thaksin Regime has vowed to hold a mass rally to protest against the deliberation of the amnesty bill, scheduled for debate in the Lower House on Wednesday 7th August.

    The new parliamentary session officially began on 1st August and in addition to the amnesty bill, the budget bill is also scheduled its second and third readings.
    The amnesty bill, expected to be hotly debated in the parliament session, was highly criticized on its hidden agenda to pardon Thaksin Shinawatra. There was a speculation that the anti-Thaksin group will stage a rally to obstruct the work of the parliament.
    Admiral Chai Suwannapab, a leader of the Pitak Siam group and its alliances proposed six demands to the government as follow:
    1. The government must uphold the monarchy and responsive to lese majesty violation.
    2. The Prime Minister and Gen. Yuthasak Sasiprapha should resign from Minister of Defense and Deputy Defense Minister respectively due to a video clip posted on YouTube on 6th July.
    3. To urgently solve economic problem and the rising cost of living.
    4. To dismiss the ß 350 billion water management loan bill and the ß 2 trillion loan bill.
    5. To dismiss the Amnesty and the Reconciliation draft bills.
    6. To legal prosecute people involved in corruption of the rice pledging program and lifted investigation over deputy finance permanent secretary Supa Piyajitti.

    The Opposition Party Democrat resolved to disapprove the Amnesty Bill reasoning it violates the rule-of-law due to all offenders including the terrorists and criminals who set fire on public and private building, killing, physical abuse and lese majesty will all be pardoned. They also said the bill might violate Section 30 of the Constitution; “ All people are equal before the law and shall enjoy equal protection under the law.”

    The Amnesty draft bill, submitted by Phue Thai Samutprakarn MP Worachai Hemma, got first parliamentary approval on 18th April 2014. It has only 6 articles and the principle is to pardon everyone involved in political unrest except the key commanders.

    An audio clip of Thaksin’s dialoque

    On 6th July, YouTube subscriber “Thai Rak Chart” posted 4 conversation audio clip, each about 5-8 minutes length, of two persons discussed over a phone on military reshuffle, legalization of amnesty bill, and a plot to return to Thailand. While it was speculated that they were ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and Deputy Defense Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapha, the latte declined saying it was a political plot to defame him.

    Al-Qaeda video threaten Thaksin

    On 26th July, Thaksin Shinawatra’s birthday anniversay, a video entitled “Al-Qaeda video against former Thailand Prime Minister, was posted on YouTube. The 2-minutes, 45 second video showed three men in Arab-style clothing, one armed with an AK-47, another holds a photo of Thaksin Shinawatra and the third reading the death threat in Arabic.
    The English language commentary included threats to avenge Thaksin Shinawatra on the killing of Muslims in the South in 2004 referred to the killings at Tak Bai district town, while Thaksin was premier.

    The first upload to YouTube was removed after a few hours and upon its second and third upload, the last one with a Thai language soundtrack played over the origin, all were also removed.

    Southern militants have denied any connections with al-Qaeda or similar foreign terrorist groups.

    Rice pledge program could be corrupted in every step

    Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittirat Na Ranong ordered the Finance Permanent Secretary to set up a fact-finding committee to investigate over Deputy Finance Permanent Secretary Supa Piyajitti referring to her information given to a Senate committee that there were grafts in every step of the rice-pledging scheme.

    Supa declined the accusation saying she only said there could be grafts in every step. Her information was given to the Senate Economic-Commerce and Industrial Committee, on 2nd July, when she was invited, as a chairperson of the Rice Pledge Accounting System Sub-committee, to review the consequences of the 3 consecutive years of the Rice Pledge Program, 54/55, 55 and 55/56, ended on 31st January 2014.

    She informed at the end of January 2013 the program caused a loss of Baht 220.968 billion and the figures could higher if accumulated until May. The Agriculture and Cooperative Bank has spent Baht 4.96 trillion in the program and this expenditure must be reimbursed by the government. The scheme has loopholes and grafts are most likely to occur in every process; from the over-registration on farmers; until faking of tonnage. Supa has submitted a written document to the Prime Minister saying the rice pledge program has created a huge burden to the state. She also proposed how to avoid grafts in every process.

    The Rice Pledge Accounting System Sub-committee disclosed it could not close the account due to insufficient information particularly data on rice stock from the Commerce Ministry, rice selling from the Department of Foreign Trades, the government G to G sales and the prices of donated rice.

    The Agriculture and Cooperative Bank unveiled that it has recently spent Baht 230,000 million on 21 million tons of rice in the 55/56 rice crop ends on November 2013. Though the spending was lower than the government’s allocation, 22 million tons, total expenditures is Baht 650,000 million, exceeding the Baht 500,000 million allocated by the government. The Baht 150,000 million was advanced by the Bank. Regarding to the Commerce Ministry has made a reimbursement of Baht 120,000 million, the rest should be paid by year ends.

    The Foreign Trade Department disclosed Government to Government sales was 7.3 million tons in which more than 3 million tons, cost Baht 130,000 million, had been delivered. The Department has already sent the money to the Finance Ministry.

    Regarding to the first 350,000 tons stock bidding organized by the Public Warehouse Organization and the Marketing Organization for Farmers on 26th July, only 5 exporters has submitted bidding documents totaled 90,000 tons, therefore, the Commerce Minister ordered the bid to be re-started over immediately.

    On 19th June, the cabinet had resolved the National Rice Policy Committee proposal to reduce the pledging price from Baht 15,000 to 12,000 per ton and limits a maximum of Baht 500,000 per pledger. These new measures will to be effective on 30th June 2013. However, on 1st July, the price was changed to Baht 15,000 again but the maximum Baht 500,000 limitation was retained. This Baht 15,000 will be re-applied until 15th September 2013.

    Constitutional Court president resigned

    On 17th July, the Office of the Constitutional Court disclosed the President of the Constitutional Court juries Wasant Soypisudh has submitted a resignation from the positions of the president and juries and this will be effective on 1st August.

    Wasant reasoned he had fulfilled his duty by finished 123 out of 153 cases pended when he took position. He kept his promise to remain in position for not more than 2 years.
    The nomination of a new judges will be proceeded by the Constitutional Court for final approval by the Senate within 30 days after Wasant’s resignation effective. The new judge should come from similar legal background as Wasant.

    The Constitutional Court tribunals, particularly Wasant, was strongly criticized by the Red Shirts on their rulings. The Red Shirt leaders threat to disclose the judges’ family members names and phone numbers, too.

    Though a hundreds of verdicts were made by the Court, there are a small numbers to be ruled including the petition on constitutional amendment Section 68 and the petition on Abhisit Vejjajiva qualifications.

    The Constitutional Court tribunals’ term is 9 years and since they took position in May 2008, they have another 4 years to finish. Wasant was endorsed to become the president on 26th October 2011 and his term should end by 2017.

    NACC absolved Sudarat over computer procurement

    On 2nd July, the National Anti Corruption Commission (NACC) voted 5 to 3 to absolve former Public Health minister Sudarat Keyuraphan and other 16 people from accusation against irregularity in procurement of turn-key computer system, in 2004, for 818 hospitals nationwide.

    NACC indicted Surapong favored Shin Corp.

    On 17th July, the NACC voted 6 to 2 that former Information and Communication Technology (ICT) minister Surapong Suebwonglee and 2 other people guilty of in revised the ShinCorp concession to reduce its minimum shareholding in ShinSat –now renamed Thaicom- from 51% to 40%. This effectively helped ShinCorp to reduce its investment burden.
    While the two accused was guilty of a serious breach of discipline under the Civil Service Act of 1922 on their proposal to amend the concession, Surapong who endorsed the proposal and submit to the cabinet’s approval will be filed to the Supreme Court;s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions against malfeasance in violating of Section 157 of the Criminal Code

    Crude oil leak in Gulf of Thailand

    On 28th July, a 50 ton or 50,000 liter of crude oil spilt into the sea off Rayong province from a leak in the pipeline operated by PTT Global Chemical Plc., a subsidiary of state-owned oil and gas company PTT Plc. The oil marred a few tourist beaches in Samet island in the Gulf of Thailand. PTT ‘s workers , militants and emergency rescue team were sent to clean up the beach by pumping oil into big tanks and used chemicals to scrape the rocks along the beaches.
    The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) was assigned to find evidences whether it was an accident or carelessness. The latte is a violation of Hazardous Act under DSI’s authority.
    The cabinet was officially informed of the event on 30th July and immediately assigned 4 ministries; Energy, Interior, Natural Resource and Environment and Transport, to co-solve problems. The government also coordinated with PTT in finding resolutions and prevention measures. PTT will take responsible over damages particularly to the locals.

    Government appealed over water management program

    On 26th July, Deputy Prime minister Pongthep Thepkanjana disclosed that the government has submitted an appeal to the Central Administration Court over the Supreme Administration Court decision to rule on the petition on the Baht 350 billion Water Management Project. Pongthep commented the project should continue regardless to legal process in Court.

    Deep South violence lessen as Ramadan began

    Deputy director of the National Security Council (NSC) Region 4 Maj. Gen. Charin Amornkaew disclosed that during the first 14 days of Ramadan, between 10 to 23 July, there were only 4 violence, against 16 in the same period last year. He reasoned the NSC has reached an agreement with the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN) separatist group to halt any violence during the 40 days Ramadan period, 10th July to 18 August.

    On 12 July, a Malaysian government representative Ahmad Zamzamin bin Hashim said in Kuala Lumpur that the during the 3 months of Ramadan the BRN will make effort as follow:
    1. To return peace to the 3 provinces and 5 districts of Songkla.
    2. To stop all insurgency, bombing, attacking, torching and guarantee safety to non-Muslim civilians.
    3. The Thai should minimize its operations such as cordoning, house-searching etc. which bars the Muslims from attending their religious practices during the Ramadan. Only public buildings sentry, patrolling and criminal suppressing will be conducted.
    4. Both parties should proceed on dialogue. Any party violate this agreement will be blamed.

    However, on 11th July, a bomb explode in Yala province injured 8 soldiers. The BRN admitted that it was caused by a few minority who think differently .

    Personal income taxes readjust

    On 30th July, the cabinet resolved to readjust personal income taxes as follow:
    1. To increase income brackets from 5 to 7 steps and reduce the tax rate from a maximum of 37% to 35%.
    2. To revise the non-corporate /non-personal income tax that will be effective on the next fiscal year.

    Economic slowdown as export and consumption shrink

    The Bank of Thailand report that as June ended, economic growth in the second quarter of 2013 has slowdown according to a decline in export, private sector investment and household consumption. Only tourism is growing remarkably well.

    Step increase for LPG starts on 1st September

    Energy Minister Pongsak Ruktapongpaisal said that on 1st September LPG price for household consumption will rise at 50 satang per kilogram per month for a period of 12 months until reaches a total increase of 6 Baht. Since the government has spent more than Baht 140 billion on LPG subsidy, the new price will reflect an actual cost at the refinery, Baht 24.82 per kilogram.

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