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March 2007 : Constitution First Draft Finishes before Aril 19

  • Constitution Drafting Chairman confirmed the first draft would be finished before April 19.
  • Royal endorsement for 3 new cabinet members.
  • PERC ranked Thailand 13th among all 14 Asian.
  • Former iTV got new name TITV and became a state-own television under the Public Relations Department [ PRD].
  • Policemen cracked down mob at Sanam Luang on March 23 in attempt to dismantle PTV’s stage broadcasts.
  • Ministry of Social development and Human Security allocated a budget of Bt 517 million for 3 projects in the three southern provinces.
  • Militants executed eight people and left another seriously injured in a brutal morning ambush on a civilian minibus in Yala province on March 14.
  • The Alcohol control bill was approved in principle on March 28 by the National Legislative Assembly [ NLA] after a heated debate.
  • The National Legislation Assembly Whip revised the Foreign Business bill to bring back foreign investment.
  • The cabinet approved the draft bill of the Expressway Authority of Thailand [EAT] to increase loan liable to cabinet’s approval from current Bt10 to Bt100 million.
  • The National Police restructure plans to streamline all non-police functions and focus on crime suppression and public security nationwide.

New Constitution in Progress

Constitution Drafting Chairman , Noranit Sethabutr confirmed to Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont that the first draft of the new Constitution would be finished before April 19 and pass the committee before July 6 so there would be maximum of 30 days before conducting the nationwide referendum carried out by the Election Commission.

Meanwhile the general public is closely follow up 9 significant issues being debated in the Constitutional Drafting Sub-committees : 1] Whether the prime minister should be elected or not, 2] Appointed or elected of the senators, 3] The size of the constituencies, 4] Retention of the party list MPs , 5] The input of the independent organs, 6] Public monitoring, 7] Rights and liberties, 8] Whether the candidates should have qualifications not less than a Bachelor’s degree or not, 9] whether the candidates should belong to a political party for at least 90 days as of the election day.

New cabinet members

HM the King gave royal endorsement to three new cabinet members Chalongphob Sussangkarn as Finance Minister, Poldej Pinpratheep as Deputy Minister of Social Development and Human Security and Morakot Kornkasem as Deputy Minister of Public Health while Paiboon Wattanasiritham Social Development and Human Security Minister is elevated to Deputy Prime Minister.

Thailand ranks 13th from 14

Despite of the Surayud administration anti corruption policy, Thailand was given only the 13th rank among all 14 Asian countries by the Political and Economic Risk Consultant [ PERC]. The evaluation was done through surveys from 1,475 executives in 13 countries. The result was that Singapore came top and Philippines is at the bottom.

iTV got new name

Former iTV was transferred from a privately own to a state-owned station with a new name TITV after the Council of State ruled that the Public Relations Department [ PRD] could legally run the Channel. The transition was done after its private owner, Temasek, failed to pay more than Bt100 billion in concession fees and fines to its concession granter, the PM’s office.

The station previously appeared set to be taken off air while legal complications relating to its operations were sorted out.

PTV mob at Sanam luang

Policemen and BMA’s security staffs cracked down a mob at Sanam Luang on March 23 in attempt to dismantle PTV’s stage on the station’s broadcasts. The mob was gathered in order to listen to PTV’s core leaders speech against the government and the Council for National Security [ CNS].

PTV, or People’s Television was founded by former top members of the Thai Rak Thai Party, Veera Musigapong, Chatuporn Phrompan, Chakraphob Penkae and Nattawuth Sai-kue who claimed they would provide accurate reports without any supportive figures . However, after its first 10 hours of broadcast the signal was blocked due to the station failed to get a permit to broadcast its program via the Thaicom satellite. A stage was set up at Sanam Luang but tension grew in the early afternoon when city police tried to dismantle the stage. Some demonstrators intervenes and clashed with the police, causing a small amount of pushing and shoving so the stage was dismantled to prevent the situation from escalating.

Bt517 million to cool southern violence

The Ministry of Social development and Human Security allocated a budget of Bt 517 million for 3 projects in the three southern provinces, Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat to ; 1] provide 5,500 housing units in 40 communities , 2] promote sustainable fishing and conservation of marine life among network of fishermen, and 3] to solve the problems of national park encroachment and non-deed land.

Moreover, the ministry would organize 926 public reconciliation forums in every districts in order to listen to people’s problems and grievances. The program should start in April until July and it is expected to prevent the grassroots from rallying to Bangkok.

Massacre in Yala

Militants executed eight people and left another seriously injured in a brutal morning ambush on a civilian minibus in Yala province on March 14.

The vehicle was carrying commuters from Yala’s Betong district to Had Yai in Songkhla was forced to stop because of a tree lain across the road. Upon stopping 10 militants immediately attacked from the adjacent forest and opened fire into the bus. The militants afterwards shot each passenger in the head but spared the driver’s life when knowing he was a Muslim. His life was saved with a head injury but another injured passenger later died in the hospital.

Following the brutal massacre, a curfew was declared in two districts of Yala, Yaha and Bannan Sata, between 8pm and 4am together with three more military’s orders applicable in the area; prohibition of dressing in military or police style clothing, registration of new arrivals in the districts and prohibit of usage and procession of radio communication equipment.

NLA backs bill to ban alcohol adverts

The Alcohol control bill was approved in principle on March 28 by the National Legislative Assembly [ NLA] after a heated debate finalized by 98 votes to 34 with 5 abstentions. The NLA set up a 31-member ad hoc panel to scrutinize the bill ahead of the second reading in 15 days.

Upon enforced, total ban on alcohol ads will be imposed together with a raise of the minimum age for buyers to 20 years from the current 18. The Public Health Ministry proposed the bill amid strong opposition from alcohol manufacturers and distributors. Health Minister Mongkol na Songkhla said the legislation was needed because alcohol consumption caused health and family problems, accidents and crime.

Foreign business bill amended

The National Legislation Assembly Whip revised the Foreign Business bill to bring back foreign investment by allowing corporate with foreign shareholding stakes less than 50 % or voting rights exceed 50 % to do business under Thai law on condition that the management should be fair and not conduct by its nominees. Violation to the law should be increased from 3 years imprison to 5 and fine from Bt 300,000 to 500,000. The bill is scheduled to be voted by the NLA.

The cabinet on January 9 approved a draft amendment to the Foreign Business Act designed to create transparency among foreign companies doing business in Thailand.

Express Way bill approved

The cabinet on March 20 approved the draft bill of the Expressway Authority of Thailand [EAT] proposed by Ministry of Transport with principles to increase loan liable to cabinet’s approval from current Bt10 to Bt100 million and increased salable asset from Bt500,000 to more than Bt10 million.

EAT shall be allowed to set up or hold shares in a corporate or public company with business related to its core functions and be able to invest or co-invest or grant concession, extend current concession, transfer concession or nullify concession including asset development as well as doing related business and provide services.

The CEO term shall be limited to 4 years and not more than two terms.

Police restructure plan progressed

The National Police restructure plan is scheduled to be submitted to the Prime Minister on March 31 for further action. Its principle is to streamline all non-police functions and focus on crime suppression and public security nationwide.

The subcommittee also proposed to increase 15 percent of salaries to 7,700 investigation staffs and setting up of 8,000 community police force.

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