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September 2004 : NCCC’s Self Wage Increase

The Senate committee is trying to convince at least one fourth of the Parliament members to submit a petition to the Supreme Court of Justice’s Criminal Division on NCCC’s self wage increase. 135 senates confirmed their appointment of the auditor-general. Two nominees for the Constitutional Court judge were submit for senate finalize. The House wants to amend election law and Feb 13 is scheduled for the next general election.

NCCC’s self wage increase

The Senate committee on anti-corruption chaired by Pol. Gen. Pratin Santiprapop is seeking at least one fourth signatures of the House and Senate’s member to submit a petition to the Supreme Court of Justice’s Criminal Division for Persons Holding Political Positions to consider, in regards to article 300 of the Constitution, whether the National Counter Corruption Commission’s [NCCC] wage increase regulation is violation to the criminal law due to the process was not enacted by law.

If the Supreme Court agrees to accept the petition, all NCCC status would be temporary terminated until the verdict is given. It is anxious that this vacuum situation would result the expiration of approximately 100 cases under NCCC consideration.

Controversy over the auditor-general verdict

135 members of the Senate submitted letters to the president of the State Audit Commission [SAC] , the president of the Constitutional Court and the government to confirm their appointment of Khunying Jaruvan Menaka to the position of the auditor-general.

After the Constitutional Court ruled that Khunying Jaruvan Menaka position to the auditor-general is unconstitutional, the auditor-general submitted a letter to the SAC’s president asking an endorsement of her position due to the Constitutinal Court’s rule does not state on an impeachment process while SAC considered her position is invalid upon the verdict made.

Some scholars and public representatives comment that the Court verdict is incomprehensive and unclear since there is no clue to whether she would be impeached or not and when. Moreover the position was endorsed by His Majesty the King and no law could overrule the King’s endorsement.

Two nominated for Constitutional Court judge

The selection panel of the Constitutional court judge selected Suchit Boonbongkan, a former CC judge and Nopadon Hengchareon secretary-general to the Office of the CC as two nominators to be finalized by the Senate. The selection process comprised of application information and visionary of every applicants.

Proposal to amend election law

The House’s political committee agreed to amend article 44 of the Election Law B.E. 2541 to specify exactly period of 60 days before the termination of the Parliamentary terminate as time prohibit poll candidates from doing thing which can be seen as breaking campaign rules.

Next general election scheduled for Feb 13

The Election Commission [ EC] announcede February 13, 2005 to be the general election date if Thaksin administration would hold office until termination date. The poll application date would be one day after issued in the Royal gazette. There would be some changes in numbers of MPs in constituency in 8 provinces namely; Samutprakan, Lopburi, Pratumthani, Rayong, Nakorn Ratchasrima, Roi Ed, Trad and Singhburi.

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