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December 2002 : Gas Pipeline Violence

More than 50 Thai-Malaysia gas pipeline protesters were hurt when 1000 policemen crackdown their gathering in Had Yai. Mahasarakam Court ruled to purge an election right of Suchart Srisang's election book keeper for five year on ground of providing election account not complies with the Election Commission standard. Sa Kaew senator, Lt. Gen Kovit Patthakhayon died of heart attack. EC approved 15 million baht for political parties' subsidiary fund. The Constitutional Court ruled to dissolve Maharath party.

Gas pipeline violence
Violence broke out in front of J.B. Hotel in Had Yai when more than 1000 policemen crackdown 2000 gas pipeline protesters who were gathering to submit a petition, asking the prime minister to review the project, to the prime minister scheduled to attend cabinet meeting there on December 21-22. Casualties were reported that more than 50 people from both sides were hurt. The police siege weapons and arrest 12 NGO leaders to be file lawsuit on 4 charges;1] Creating unrest in public place, 2] Hurting on-duty officials, 3] Destroying public properties and 4] Opposing officials operation.
While the prime minister pronounced his stand to enforce the law on the leaders due to their protest caused riot and damage the country's image some of the Human rights Commissioners and senators expressed their objection to the government use of violence to dissolve the demonstration. They think the protester's right were violated and called the government to set up an independence panel to investigate the incidence.

Election right purged
Mahasarakam Court ruled to purge election right of Miss Pathimakorn Sutum, Mahasarakam MP's election book-keeper, for five years and two years on probation on ground of submitted Mr. Suchart Srisang's election account not comply with the Election Commission standard. Mr. Suchart is Mahasarakam constituency 2 MP from Chart Pattana party elected on March 3, 2002.
Mahasarakam provincial election commissioner filed lawsuit against Miss Pathimakorn on ground of violated section 42, 43 and 103 of the 1998 Election Act stated the election book keeper should make and endorse an election account accordingly to the Election Commission standard and submit within 90 days after the announcement of the election result. Violation is subjected to maximum of one year imprisonment, maximum of 20,000 baht fine and purge of election right for five years.
Mr. Suchart is being charged against election fraud by Mr. Chaiwat Thinrat, TRT candidate from the same constituency. The case now is under the EC's consideration.

Sa Kaew senator died.
Lt. Gen Kovit Patthakhayon, Sa Kaew senator, died of heart attack on December 19 and the election date is scheduled on January 26, 2003. The application starts from January 6 to 10 and advance polling is on January 18-19.
By-election should be settled within 45 days after the seat is vacated and polling expenditure is estimated at approx. 15 million baht.

15 MB subsidiary fund approved
The Election Commission approved a budget of 14,923,100 baht to 12 political parties on 59 projects submitted for 2003 subsidiary fund. Those 12 parties are 1. Kaset Mahachon 2] Seri Prachathipatai 3] Thai Chaeu Thai 4] Prachakorn Thai 5] Kasikorn Thai 6] Paw Thai 7] Palang Prachachon 8] Kaw Na 9] Muan Chon 10] Sang Kom Prachathipatai 11] Paew Din Fah 12] Raeng Ngan Thai.
28 Parties altogether submitted for political party subsidiary fund but the other 16 have to make some revision to comply with the EC standard.

Thai Maharath party dissolved
The Constitutional Court ruled 11 to 1 to dissolve Thai Maharath party on ground that unable to submit 2000 activity report accordingly to section 35 of the Political Party Act. The party submitted report on November 29, 2001 later than the March 2001 dateline.
The party leader should submit their accounts and all financial documents to the political party registrar within 15 days after the dissolution.

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