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November 2002 : Gas Pipeline Project Protested

1,384 academics nationwide submitted a petition to the government asking for reconsideration of the thai-Malaysian gas pipeline project. The House accepted to deliberate the draft law prohibit assembling on the road and lethal injection while the Senate passed alibi protection bill. The Constitutional Court ruled to bar council member of Mukdaharn municipal from political position on negligence to submit asset declaration. BMA youth and community leaders file lawsuit over air pollution against two public agencies at the Administrative Court The EC assemble voted Pol. Gen. Wassana Permlarp to become chairman. Lastly, NCCC ruled Rakkiat Suthana guilty on 5 million baht bribery.

Academics protest gas pipeline project
1,384 academics, headed by Pravet Wasi, Nithi Aeiwsriwong, Rattaya Chanthien, Seksan Prasertkul and Rangsan Thanapornpan, signed a petition calling the government to review the Thai Malaysian gas pipeline and gas separation plant projects in Jana district, Songkla province cited the project was predetermined before public hearing conducted. They asked the government to re-start with facts finding from all parties involved in order to ensure transparency and good governance.
The scholars gave 6 supporting reasons as follow:
1.There were irregularities in decision making due to the environmental impact assessment has not been approved. The public hearing procedure was briefly conducted and concluded unfairly within 30 minutes. Furthermore, implementation continues despite the Senate, Human Rights Commission, Burapha and Chulalongkorn Universities petitioned the government to reconsider after the project received public protested.
2.Energy demand is less than overall natural gas and electricity supplies.
3.The project, taking into consideration of investment return rate, is not economically viable.
4.Aspects on environmental impact on rich fishing resources, thermal increase of sea water from power plant coolant, mercuric contamination from the drilling and shortage of fresh water due to related industrial development on the area.
5.As survey revealed that 89 percent of the local population lives on near-shore fishing, they feared the project would destroy their local way-of-life, sufficiency economy and sustainable tourism potential.
6.The project was previously violently settled, destroying the local people physically and mentally, violated human rights and liberties.

While Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is looking into the academics suggestions, he confirmed the project to continue.

Road closure bill
The House voted 258 to 56 to accept the Highway draft bill submitted by the cabinet and appointed a 35 members scrutiny panel. The bill, known as the "Road Closure Bill" due to prohibition of public assembling on highways as criminal conduct subject to penalties of fine and imprisonment. Furthermore, vehicles break down on highways must be removed within 24 hours, if not, are subject to same penalty.
The bill is controversy on ground that it might violate human rights and liberties in the Constitution.

House approved lethal injection bill
The House of Reps unanimously voted 292 to accept the cabinet's draft amendment to the Criminal Code to replace execution by shooting with lethal injection. The bill also prohibit death sentence on criminal under 18 and the maximum sentence for this age group is 50 years imprisonment.
The House appointed a special panel of 35 members to scrutinize the bill before submit for deliberation.

Senate passed alibi protection bill
The Senate passed the draft bill on alibi protection with 67 to 1 votes after the bill was scrutinized by the justice committee and Human Rights Commission. The bill's principle is to protect alibis during the criminal law prosecutions. Protection measurment are generally provided such as safety accommodations, cover up names, personal information and related persons.
Special protections are relocation, provision of stipend up to 1 year, rename and registration identification and professional rehabilitations or education. This information is subject to strictly confidential.

Mukdaharn municipal member barred
The Counstitutional Court voted 13 to 1 to bar Pinit Muangkot, Mukdaharn municipal council member from political position for 5 years on not submitting his asset declaration as filed by the NCCC.

Mukdaharn municipal's revenue reaches the NCCC's criteria that its council members, after take office and within 1 year after leave office, should submit their assets and liabilities list in accord to Section 291 and 292 of the Constitution and Section 42 of the NCCC law but Pinit failed to do so. After the NCCC filed suit at the Constitutional Court, the court asked Mr. Pinit to come for defensive but he did not respond. The court then ruled Pinit intentionally concealed his asset in accord to Section 295 of the constitution.

Administrative court to rule on air pollution
Bangkok community leaders and youth, head by former BMA governor Bhichit Rattakul filed a lawsuit against Pollution Control Department and Bangkok Mass Transit Authority [ BMTA] to the Administration Court on ground that the two agencies neglected to perform their duties in accord to Section 56[3] and 62 of the Constitution. The former agency was charged with their negligence to control air pollution in accord to the standard and the latter was charged of failing to curb the buses toxic fumes in accord to the standard. Their negligence caused Bangkok residents respiratory illnesses and allergies.
Bhichit and his supporters rallied to campaign against air pollution urging the people to boycott buses services particularly services belong to BMTA and its affiliate. He demanded the state agencies to concern on the environment and solve the problems soon.

Wassana elected as chairman
The Election Commission unanimously voted to choose Pol. Gen. Wassana Permlarp, a commissioner on political party affairs, to be the new EC chairman replacing Ge. Sirin Thoopklam, former chairman, who was expelled due to the Constitutional Court ruled that the selection procedure is unconstitutional.

Rakkiat trial over B5m bribe
The National Counter Corruption Commission [ NCCC] ruled that Rakkiat Suthana, former Public health minister, took a 5 million Baht bribe from Thai Nakorn Pattana executive in exchange with abolition of the 1993 median medicine price list.
NCCC will submit the case to the Chief State Attorney to file lawsuit in accord to section 157 and 149 of the Criminal Code.
Mr. Rakkiat was also alleged of unusual wealthy and hid his asset by submit fake asset list. The case now is under consideration of the Constitutional Court. If the court rules in favor of NCCC, Mr. Rakkiat will be barred from political position for 5 years and the Court will forward his case to the political crime section of the Supreme Court to siege his 233 baht wealth.

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