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July 2002 : Constitutional Court Overruled

The Parliament will be opened on August 1.The Constitutional Court overruled on the selection of Gen Sirin Thoopklam chairman of the Election Commission unconstitutioned. The EC gave yellow card to constituency 10 Ubon Rajathani MP and called for by-election. The Senate approved on the principle of the Bureaucratic reform bills and passed three royal decrees. The cabinet approved on amendment of 6 laws that was amended by the legislation reform committee.

The Parliament opened
HM King ordered the opening of the parliament session to begin on August 1, 2002 in accord to article 161, 164 and 221 of the constitution.

Court overruled on EC selection process
The Constitutional Court overruled by a margin of 9 to 4 that the selection of the election commission on the sixth and seventh round breached Article 138(1) of the charter therefore Gen Sirin Thoopklam chairman of the commission must quit. The court also appointment a new selection panel to choose a new election commission within 30 days as stated in the charter.
The verdict of the constitutional court has no effect on the previous decision and functions of Gen. Sirin. He is not liable to reimburse his salary and can re-apply for the new contest.
The new selection panel was named after the verdict was released. The 10-members panel was chaired by Mr. Issara Nithitanprakas chairman of the constitutional court. The panel consists of Mr. Akaratorn Jurarak chairman of the administration court and other 8 members; each 4 from university rectors and representatives from the political parties.
The selection panel will choose one name from the nomination list while the general assembly of the supreme court judge will nominate another name and the senate will make final decision by voting.

Ubon Rajathani MP received yellow card
The EC called for by-election in Ubon Rajathani constituency 10 on September 8 due to the allegation on fraud of MP Wittaya Buntupa was on ground. It was expected that the application date of the by-election will be on 19-23 August .
Mr. Wittaya won an election on August 18, 2001 and was charged of campaign misconduct.

Senate approved bureaucratic reform bill
The senate voted to accept 2 bureaucratic bills on 1] bureaucratic reform regulations and 2] restructure ministries after the House voted 141 to 3 and 134 to 2 respectively to pass the bills.
The senate appointed a 34-members panel to read and deliberate the bills within 21 days. The panel consist of 30 senators, 1 representative from the government and 4 from public sector.

Senate passed 3 decrees
The senate voted on July 28 to pass 3 royal decrees that was approved by the House of Representatives. The 3 decrees are
1.Empower the ministry of finance to raise a loan to assist financial institutions for development and recovery.
2.Transfer of some assets in the central bank special reserve account in accords to the Monetary Act 2002.
3.Revision of the Monetary Act 1958 (second edition) 2002 .

Cabinet approved revision of 6 laws
The cabinet approved the revision of 6 laws on socio-economic issues as proposed by the legal amendments for national development committee chaired by Mr. Meechai Ruchupan. The 6 laws are
1.Auction Act 1931, to revise control on sale of antique.
2.Begging Control Act 1941, to allow people with physical or mental disabilities and no mean of support to earn a living by performing in public.
3.Contribution Control Act 1941, to empower local authority to control and regulate raising of subscription and contribution.
4.Ancient Remains, Arts and Antiques and National Museum Act 1961. to be remained without amendment.
5.Pawn Shop Act 1962, to revoke control by central government to local authority.
6.Cheque Act 1991, to legalize only person intentionally issue fraud cheque.

The cabinet approved the appointment of legal amendments for national development committee on March 13, 2001 to study and make recommendations on revision and revocation of social , economic , political and administrative laws that hindrance government policy to solve national problems.

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