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August 2020 : 7 New Cabinet Members in Prayut 2/2 Cabinet aPrayut 2/2 cabinet got 7 new members

  • Poll revealed 5 issues need for economic revitalization
  • Poll result on constitutional amendment and politics
  • Poll revealed Thais not oppose Free People demonstration
  • Free People demands 3 solutions
  • Prayuth reaffirms stance on constitution amendment
  • Thammasart issue an apology for students speech
  • Thammasart deputy dean announcement to students demonstration
  • Thammasart student council : demonstration is legal and constitutional
  • Defense Ministry concerned students demands could bring confrontation
  • Campaign for Popular Democracy (CPD) proposed 12 political resolutions
  • Chula Flash mob assembled despite of university banning
  • Free People mob assembled at Democracy monument
  • Court issued arrest warrants for 15 Free People’s core leaders
  • Government VIP resolved on constitutional amendment
  • Poll revealed opinions towards Free People mob
  • Prayuth feared Thai will follow Hong Kong model
  • State of Emergency extended for 1 month nationwide
  • COVID-19 situations in Thailand and the world
  • Dusit Poll: Thais most worry is political rift
  • Super Poll: 82.4% believe extra-territorial influence support Thai politicians
  • Super Poll: people support Prayuth more than Thanatorn
  • Thai Pakdi declared its stances and 3 proposals
  • Cabinet approved revision of 2019 cannabis act
  • Administrative Court revoked ordinance on disable fund
  • Qualifications of the minister assistants
  • Countrywide schools open 100% On-site
  • State revenue decreases leading to more borrowing

    Prayut 2/2 cabinet named 7 new members

          On 6 August, the Royal Gazette announced the new cabinet members as follow:

          Mr. Don Pramudwinal, Minister of Foreign Affairs, is now also the Deputy Prime Minister.

          Mr. Supattanapong Punmeechaw is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy.

          Mr. Anucha Nakasai is the Minister to the Prime Minister’s office.

          Mr. Preedi Daochai is the Minister of Finance.

          Mr. Anek Laothammatas is the Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation.

          Mr. Suchart Chomklin is the Minister of Labor.

          Mrs. Narumon Pinyosinwat is the Deputy Minister of Labor.

    Poll revealed 5 issues for economic revitalization

          On 16 August Dusit Poll disclosed its study on 1,109 samplings nationwide, conducted online from 10 to 14 August 2020 on “Brainstorming on Economic Revitalization” as follow:

          85.75% wanted the government to create more jobs.

          76.19% in the local level wanted the government to support agricultural sector.

          76.19% in the national level wanted the government to support agricultural sector.

          The most action needed is to stimulate domestic consumption, 75.20%.

          Who should responsible on economic revitalization? 77.36% all sectors, 70.83% the state and 70.11% private sector.

    Poll result on constitutional amendment and politics

          On 9 August NIDA Poll revealed its study on “Will constitutional amendment improve politics?” , conducted through tele-call between 3-4 August 2020, on 1,255 people of more than 18 years, in every region, all educational levels, and every profession by using Simple Random Sampling which provided 95.0% confidentiality.

          75.22% did not realize there is a movement to amend the constitution, and 24.78% realized.

          35.14% thinks amendment should be made on Section 256 to allow for appointment of the constitution drafting committee.

          33.94% thinks should amend only some Sections.

          13.18% thinks should not amend the constitution. And

          17.05% not care/ not interest.

          On whether the constitution amendment will improve politics?

          21.35% very much confident due to will bring better changes since will be the people’s constitution and accept by all.

          23.03% rather confident due to it will be participated by all and lessen societal conflicts.

          25.98% rather no confident due to many amendments done in the past but problems still remain due to political problems accumulated, hard to solve while some pointed is up to the leader, too.

          27.33% no confident due to impossible to improve politics. If amend some points, there are other points to amend. Good politics have nothing to do with constitutional amendment but involve with other factors.

          2.31% did not answer, not interest in this matter.

    NIDA Poll: Rights to demonstrate within lawful conditions

          On 3 August, NIDA Poll revealed its study from 1,250 samplings nationwide, conducted between 29-31 July, on opinions towards the youth demonstration “Free People” at the Democracy Monument and several places in the provinces. The results are:

          26.56% think they are eligible to demonstrate as far as there is no violence and no armament.

          26.16% think they had right to demonstrate as far as they do not do anything unlawful.

          Regarding to the opinions towards the Free People demonstration, 34.72% is very consent since it was their rights and freedom to do so and believe the youth wanted better changes for the society.

          While 19.28% rather consent since the youth is calling for righteousness and more democracy.

          And 18.08% rather disagreed due to fearing there will be unrest, the Covid-19 pandemic is not 100% subside so they fear there will be the second round outbreak.

          On their concerns over another political crash; 11.20% worried the next crash will be more violent due to the youth core leaders are very self-confident and aggressive.

          16.72% think the next crash will be similar since there are some manipulations.

          29.76% were worried but the unrest could be less due to the government’s ability to control the situation.

          Towards what should PM Prayut do to handle this situation; 42.72% said he should listen to the youth by himself.

          20.40% said he should dissolve the parliament and order general election.

          13.68% opted for the constitutional amendment – house dissolution- re-election.

    Free People mob demanded 3 solutions

          On 7 August, the Free People group led by Mr. Tatthep Ruangprapaikij and Ms. Juthathip Sirikhan officially launched their campaign proposing three demands to the government:
    1. Stop threatening the people who are exercising their rights according to the democratic rule-of-law by expression and criticizing towards the unjust, inequality, distortion in the Thai state structure in all processes and forms.
    2. Drafting a new constitution that derives from the people’s will, for real public benefits, not the constitution that used legal tactics for the benefits of some groups.
    3. Dissolve the parliament and allow the people to express their will in election their representatives.

          This will be an acceptance of the administration failure and there must not be another coup d’etat nor setting up of national government. The Free People movement will not stop and reaffirms they will campaign until real democracy is given to the Thais.

          The demonstrators raised their right hands pointing three middle fingers as a signature of their campaign.

    Prayut reaffirms his stance on constitution amendment

          On 4 August, PM Prayut Chan-ocha said after chaired the cabinet meeting that he supports the constitutional amendment and leaving it to the parliamentary committee decisions.

    Thammasart sorry for students’ speech relating to the monarchy

          Referring to the students political assembling in Thammasart University Rangsit Campus on 10 August as some remarks were made relating to the Monarchy. On 11 August the University made an officially announcement to express its apology for the situation and clarified that the demonstrator manager asked for permission to assembling with 3 objectives.
    1. To demand a constitution amendment.
    2. To demand a House dissolution.
    3. To demand the government to stop threatening in all forms.

           “As the situation went beyond objectives that had been permitted and involved in sensitive matter , the university is concerning and will react within its role as higher education institution that focusing in producing responsible graduates for the society by:
    1. All performances off limits are an individuals’ responsibility and not settled between the organizers and police, before the demonstration started. Legal process will be managed by the police, particularly to those who are not university students, by cooperation from the university officials and with justice to all.
    2. For those students who reacted improper, the university will take appropriate action according to the actual situation within the university regulations.
    3. Thammasart will prevent any similar situation in the future by not allowing the use of its campus for conducting activities that involve with political movement that risk of violating the laws.

    Thammasart’s deputy rector’s announcement

          On 11 August 2020, Thamasart University deputy rector Dr. Prinya Thaevanarumitkul posted on his FaceBook that:
    1. The students submitted a letter dated 31 July 2020 asking for permission to use the venue for” demanding a constitution amendment-House dissolution and the government to stop threatening the people. No other issue was informed”
    2. On 5 August 2020, I granted permission and asked the police from Klong Luang district for discussion. The settlement were made as follow: the police will cooperate for providing security measures and oversee the assembling to perform within the law and avoid sensitive matters. All were done accordingly to the agreement. In the case of some speakers said something unlawful, one must responsible and if there was any reaction during such the speech, such as raising banners or any reaction, the police will try to stop such the action through dialogue.
    3. During 19:00 to 20:00 hour, I went to the venue and visited the police-on-duty. Everything went on well but after that knew that some speakers, particularly the non-student participants, remarked improperly that caused problems as already known.

          Though Thammasart allows freedom of speech and expression, but such the performances must be in line with the constitution and laws, particularly on the sensitive issues and topics that will cause a rift in our society. However, though the demonstration was mostly conducted within the agreement, but there was some slight misconduct, as the deputy rector, and a person who granted the permission, I could not deny my responsibility and I apologize, and will accept any misconducting. “

    Thammasart students council reaffirms its rightfulness

          On 12 August, Thammasart Student Council published opinions regarding to the students demonstration on 10 August 2020 on its webpage that the demonstration was in accordingly to the law and the expressions were constitutionally and conform with citizen’s rights and political rights based on democracy and good will towards the nation.

          The council realized a big pressure on the administrative body and sympathy their encountering and resolution. We want to reaffirm the administration body does not have to responsible as the social pressed and we ask the administration to uphold the principle of democracy, righteousness and justice.

          The students’ council reaffirmed our stance to be with the students as promised and ready to encounter every problem to support democracy, righteousness and justice so they will forever stay with Thammasart and Thailand.

          On 12 August, the Free People FaceBook announced its stance on this matter:

          Referring to the Free People demonstration on 18 July 2020 which demanded 3 resolutions, the youth is incapable to fight so on 7 August we decided to set up a Free People to add more public participation to accomplish our three demands.

          The Free People announced our next demonstration to be held on Sunday 16 August 2020, between15:00-21:00 hr. at the Democracy monument on Ratchdamnern Avenue. To clarify our political will and provide information to the public, we stated 3 demands, 2 stances and 1 dream as follow:

          The 3 demands are:
    1. The government must stop threatening people who exercise their rights and liberty in regards to democracy.
    2. The government must draft a new constitution that comes from the public will, for genuine public good.
    3. The government must dissolve the House of reps and allow the people to show their political wills.

          These must be done on 2 stances:
    1. No military takeover.
    2. No ruling by national government.

          And we dreamt Thailand will have a genuine democracy that the monarchy is under the constitution. This is not a day-dreaming but could really happen in regards to democracy process that sovereignty really belongs to the Thai people.

          When the new constitution is being draft, the people real needs will be concretely addressed and anyone residing in this country will be under the constitution, equally and non-exceptionally.

          The Free People will uphold these principles until they are accomplished since we believe this will bring happiness, progression and stability to our country.

    Defense Ministry’s spokesperson concerned demands will bring confrontation

          On 12 August, the Defense Ministry’s spokesperson Lieutenant General Kongcheep Tantravanich said the security agents are concerning over the demonstration that arouse people to demand on sensitive issue that will bring a rift to the society particularly on issues touching the monarchy that unites hearts of the Thai people.

          The security agents still uphold and respect rights and liberty of the people that should come along with responsibilities according to the constitution. The demonstration and expressions are the rights of everybody that can be exercised under to law while it is dutiful to support the national institutions including strictly abide the laws and not doing anything that can cause hatred and rift in the society.

          Therefore, the demonstration that has some dangerous and sensitive demands could bring along extensively confrontation and societal rift. It is our duty to warn those who are supporting and ask everyone to self-control their social emotion.

          However, the security agents are confident the students’ expression of thoughts is the ongoing social pure power that developed to weave our society from generation to generation and inseparable. We are confident every Thais is solid and good conscious enough to not become political tools for any group.

    CPD proposed 12 political resolutions

          On 14 August the Campaign for Popular Democracy (CPD) announced its 12 proposals towards the constitutional amendment in order to unlock the current political crisis as follow:
    1. Revocation of all Sections on the Senate to allow a new selection of senators in according to the constitution.
    2. Revocation of 272 Transitional Provision to allow for a new selection of prime minister in regards to Section 159.
    3. Amend all Sections on the election of the House of Reps members to allow for free or non-partisan candidates. Separate the party list and constituency polling by using two ballots, one for a party list and another for constituency MPs to give more freedom of choice.
    4. Amend Section 249 to expand decentralization to the local people. Allowing self-governance provincial, direct election for provincial governors, transferring administrative functions to the elected administrative body, establish “Citizen Council” to work parallel with local administration, for co-decision making on projects of impact on life-quality and environment , and empowering on check and balance on both local administrators and local authority council.
    5. Revocation of Section 64 and increase the public hearing on state mega-projects.
    6. Amend all Sections on independent organs to allow the selection committee and approval of person to be appointed must connect with the public via parliamentary mechanism that truly democratic. Revoke all conditions on qualifications that the appointed person must either was high ranking officers or bachelor degree graduated and reduce term of service to five years.
    7. Regarding to the national reform, should amend to increase education reform by setting up a national education committee that is free from political influence. Term of service 7 years. Free education to all from kindergarten to higher secondary and primary vocational. Promote alternative and civic education
    8. Adding issues on energy restructure and resources to the national reform by clearly state that energy and natural resources belong to the Thai people. In designation policy on energy strategic and soil-water-forest resources must have national committee on energy and resources that is free from political influence that was selected and with proportionate from civil society at least one-half.
    9. Should add the issue on “The state should prevent and suppress of economic monopoly and promote economic democracy” in the national agenda.
    10. On the rights and liberty, should include local community rights in protecting and conserving from state mega projects. Rights on the diversity of culture of the Thai people in both ethnics and genders, rights to consume safe food, rights to receive sufficient social welfare to all and rights to live the life with no violence.
    11. Amend Section 256 to allow the constitutional amendment could be made by the majority members of the parliament to give flexibility and easier and conform to socio-economic changes.
    12. Amend Section on the drafting of new constitution to provide for the making of systematic structure and process to allow public participation in the drafting process by an election of constitution drafting committee to perform the drafting function. This must be finished in one year to provide for justification and acceptance from all societal sectors that will prevent conflict that might arise in the future.

    Chula flash mob disregarded university banning

          On 14 August, Chulalongkorn’s Faculty of Arts organized a flash mob to express their opposes to the suppression of rights of freedom of expression and the problem-solving of Chula administrative function and domestic problems.

          The activity was joined by I-Law of Internet law for the people which posted a booth to collect at least 50,000 signatures to support its objective.

          As the heavy rain poured down, the students came to join the mob until they core leaders decided to move the venue from Chula stadium to the Faculty of Arts.

          The mob was held regardless to the university emergency order banning the demonstration to be held within the university venue.

    Free People mob gathered at the Democracy monument

          On 16 August, the Free People demonstration was held on Racthdamnern Avenue at the Democracy monument. As more and more people joined, the police closed the street around the monument.

    Court issued arrest warrants on 15 mob core leaders

          On 15 August, the Criminal Court issued arrest warrant on 15 core leaders on their involvement on the political demonstration on 18 July 2020. They are:
    1. Mr. Prit Chiwarak.
    2. Ms. Juthathip Sirskhan
    3. Ms. Lalana Suriyo
    4. Mr. Nawat Laengwattanayam
    5. Mr. Panupong Jadnok
    6. Mr. Thatthep Reaungprapaikitseri
    7. Mr. Anond Nampha
    8. Mr. Kannithi Limchareon
    9. Mr. Natthawut Somboonsup
    10. Mr. Jathupat Boonpatraksa
    11. Ms. Jirathita Thammarak
    12. Mr. Korakot Saengyenpan
    13. Mrs. Suwanna Tanlek
    14. Mr. Thanayut na Ayudhaya
    15. Mr. Baramee Chairat

          Three people; Mr. Anond, Mr. Panupong and Mr. Prit had been taken for proceeding while the rest 12 were being followed. There are another 16 people under police collecting evidences for further action.

    Government VIP resolved not to touch Chapter 1-2

          On 19 August, the government VIP chairperson Mr. Virat Rattanaseth said after the meeting that the assembling resolved to amend the 1997 Constitution but no revision would be made to Chapter 1 and 2. A constitution drafting committee will be later appointed.

    Poll revealed 200,000 opinions towards Free People mob

          On 23 August the Dusit Poll disclosed its study on 197,029 samplings countrywide, conducted online between 16-21 August to reflect opinions towards the Free People demonstration demanding 3 issues; constitutional amendment- House dissolution- stop threatening the people. The results are:
    1. On the demonstrations”
          59.11% think it is a constitutionality exercise.
          41.76% think the demonstration must not relates to the monarchy
          40.41% Concern on safety.
          40.10% They should be listened by relevant agencies.
          38.90% They were supported by someone/ organization.
          33.79% They have the right to express their disagreement.
          28.64%They are causing chaotic and rift.
          28.29% It’s a political game.
          26.53% They are new generation who wanted a change in the society.
          26.48% They are demanding for the betterment/ stating their stance.

          Noted: one can choose more than one answer. (The percentiles were calculated from answers in each question.)

    2. Toward a demand on constitution amendment
          62.84% agreed.
          Due to the government is not neutral, transferring of power, non-democratic, should amend on the senate, should amend on some Sections that caused problems, people must participate in drafting the constitution, the constitution is out-of-date and not suit current situation.

          24.85% disagreed.
          Due to the current constitution is good. The demands are from a group of people who lost their benefits. The constitution has passed a referendum and need not to be amended, there is more urgent problems such as COVID-19 and economic stagnation.

          12.31% no comment

    3. Towards a demand on PM Prayut resignation or House dissolution
          53.88% Agreed
          Due to his failure to make progression, no work result, incapable in administration, he came to power via transfer of power/ without righteousness, economic stagnation, dictatorship - use power too much, allowing for corruption and malfeasance.

          38.43% disagreed.
          PM Prayut is a good leader, devoted, hard- working, loyal, suitable to the position, do not see anyone more suitable, he was elected according to the constitution, should allow him to finish 4-year term.

          7.69% No comment.

    4. Towards the demand on stop threatening the people.
          59.47% Agreed.
          Due to the people should be free to expression without being threatening, it was the exercise of dictatorship/ off-limit, it’s the people rights according to the democracy, it is an abuse of basic rights. Etc.

          29.19% Disagreed.
          Due to it’s the official duty to do incompliance to the law, the demonstration could cause unrest, life is as usual-no disturbance from the official’s performance, its only demands from the mob.

          11.34% No comment.

    5. Opinions on the demonstration.
          53.71% Agreed.
          They have the right to express their views, basic right; they are brave to demand for a change in the society, new generation, ideology, clear goal on democracy.

          41.17% Disagreed.
          They are demanding on a sensitive issue regarding to the monarchy which is considered an act of less majesty, can stimulate unrest, caused traffic jam, not appropriate time due to economic stagnation and COVID-19 pandemic.

          5.12% No comment.

    Will Thailand follow Hong Kong unrest?

          On 22 August, the press reported the army’s top commanders discussion, chaired by PM Prayut Chan-ocha, on 21 August that there was a dialogue on the current students’ movement calling for freedom, rights and liberty over schooling and family culture. The Prime Minister was concerned on relationships among family members which is a fundamental of Thai culture that was shaken by those speeches delivered by the mob’s core leaders that could lead to societal conflict. He asked the army to help instilling ethics among the youth making a new generation in the long future.

          Security agents have monitored the youth demonstrations that constantly organized prior to the big event on 19 September 2020 in Thammasart University. However, the event would not be banned or opposed since it is the right of expression but will be carefully monitoring that all actions will be in accords to the law. Any incitement could lead to violence, torching and destroying things that similar to the Hong Kong model, therefore, police must be patient and avoiding confrontation with the mob.

          It was speculated there will not be any violence since the related ministries had dialoged with families and educational institutes and investigating to find the persons or agencies published information inciting the youth as well as providing another set of information for the youth to reconsider the actual situations. It was noted that 95% of the youth who attended the demonstrations are female.

          The security agents are also monitoring groups of people in the provinces that might join with the demonstrators in Bangkok particularly the P-Move that is pressing the government to solve farmers- labors- vulnerable group. They are the most affected from COVID-19 and if they join in, the movement could be long and continuing.

    State of Emergency extended nationwide to 30 September 2020

          On 21 August the State of Emergency was proposed to be extended nationwide to 30 September. It was anticipated the proposal would be approved by the cabinet later.

    COVID-19 Situation in Thailand and worldwide

          On 31August, the Covid-19 Center reported 1 new confirmed case was reported from the State Quarantines, making a total of 3,412 cases since the outbreak. 3,252 were recovered and 102 are treating. Death was stable at 58 as the previous month.

          There were 17,474,020 confirmed cases globally, 10,937,750 had been recovered. Totaled deaths were 676,755. Since new cases went as high as more than 200,000 daily, Covid-19 is still a globally threat.

          As of 30 August, there was a total of 25,155, 145 cases reported globally. Death were 845,956 and 17,499,519 recovered.

    Dusit Poll: Political rift the most threatening issue

          On 30 August, the Dusit Poll revealed its study on “Today Politics, Economics and Social” done from online interviewing on 1,727 samplings, between 25-28 August 2020, as follow:
    1. The top five concerns on political situation are:
      1. Political rift 75.80%
      2. The Navy’s submarines procurement 66.24%
      3. Threatening the people 59.81%
      4. The demonstrations 58.89%
      5. The constitution amendment 54,37%
    2. The top five concerns on economic situation are:
      1. People’s debt 80.78%
      2. High prices of consumer goods 76.78%
      3. Jobless and redundancy 74.64%
      4. Declining/negative of export goods 67.52%
      5. Lives during the COVID-19 pandemic 67.34%
    3. The top five concerns on social impact
      1. Corruptions 83.56%
      2. Public health and COVID-19, 64.61%
      3. Social bullying 62.02%
      4. Justice system ( referring to Boss case) 61.96%
      5. Flooding 55.88%

  • Noted: one can chose more than one answer.

    SUPER POLL: Extraterritorial influencing domestic movement

          On 29 August, the SUPER POLL disclosed its field study through the 5,962 Net Super Poll samplings and 1,121 Traditional Voice samplings countrywide on every profession, done between 20-28 August, by using both the Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods.

          When being asked what is the threat referring to violence in Hong Kong, 97.3% think the torching of those indifferent was a treat, 95.6% think the prohibition of students joining the mob was a threat, 92.3% think verbal insulting is a threat and 91.7% think social media bullying was a threat.

          91.4% think pressing the police to release the wrongdoers is a threat, 91.4% thing students violated school class- regulation was a threat, 90.7 % closing of traffic roads was a threat and 89.8% think sacking media of different opinion was a threat.

          It was noted that the majority, 82.4% believe an extraterritorial influence is cooperating with Thai politicians lost their benefits in masterminding, shaking and creating unrest. Only 17.6% did not think so.

          77.1% think the current demonstration movement is a threat, while 22.9% think they are not.

          89.8% think every sector should stop threatening the people, while 10.2% did not think so.

          Thailand has a total of 11,056,769 of youth age between12-24 years, therefore, 148,034 who participated in a social media “Stop Threatening the People” is only 1.34% of this age group. Moreover, some participated in the social media movement is adults.

          Moreover, the SUPER POLL director Dr. Noppadol Kannikar pointed that the country could be more peaceful if there is no extraterritorial incitement particularly to the youth by using Online-On-ground connectivity created strong pressure in social media. He sees it is a responsibility to provide information to all Thais so they will not refrain from shaking the national pillar.

    SUPER POLL: Prayut better PM than Thanatorn

          On 30 August, the SUPER POLL revealed its study on 1,645 samplings nationwide done between 25-29 August 2020 on confidentiality over Mr. Thanatorn Juengroungrengkit over his address to the Constitution Court on last year that he did not remember on the share transferring. 90.6% think his answer affected their confidentiality, while 9.4% did not think so.

          On Mr. Thanatorn and associates collected donations to people affected from COVID-19 at the beginning of the outbreak but not giving all donated, 90.3% think it affected his creditability while 9.7% think no effect.

          Regarding to confidentiality on PM Prayut on his set up educational fund for the poor students, free tuition fees to bachelor degree, job training for un-skill parents, , it was found that 69.7% think no effect and 30.3% effected. On the government’s policy to legalize the selling of costly trees in individuals’ premises and development of infrastructures, technology etc., 68.9% think these affected while 31.1% no affect.

          Regarding to the government Shim-Shop-Shai giving cash for economic revitalization, 69.4% think it affected his creditability while 30.6% not affected. The interviewed did not know the social welfare cards and be used for purchasing necessary consumer –agricultural-and transportation, 69.8% think it affected while 30.2% did not think it affected.

          When asking between Prayut and Thanatorn, who is more benefit to the people. 76.6% ansered Prayut while 17.1% Thanatornm and 6.3% chose other person.

          On who should be supporting as the prime minister, Prayut or Thanatorn? The majority 70.8% supported Prayut and 19.2% supported Thanatorn . 10.0% supported other persons.

    ”Thai Phakdi” declared its position

          On 30 August, a group called themselves Thai Pkandi, led by Dr. Warong Dejkitvikrom, assembled at the Bangkok Youth Centre in Bangkok to express their stand to uphold:
    1. The three national pillars; nation, religious and monarchy.
    2. Thai root and identity.
    3. Power to check monopolistic capital.
    4. Promote equality via modern technology in career of all civic levels.
    5. Strengthening national prosperity via self-sufficiency economy.

    They also stated their stance on:
    1. No House dissolution.
    2. Strictly abide the laws to all.
    3. No constitution amendment.

    Cabinet approved cannabis unlock

          On 4 August, the cabinet approved in principle a draft bill, proposed by the Public Health Ministry, to amend the narcotics law, revised in 2019, to allow patients, endorsed by traditional medical personals, to be granted with permits, to produce, import, export, sell and possess of cannabis. This would help people in need of cannabis for treatment and develop the use of cannabis for medicine.

          The current act allows only state agencies or registered partnerships of state and private individuals to apply for permits of producing, import and export only. This limits the development of cannabis for medical treatment particularly to those in traditional medical that long been practiced. The draft bill was put for public hearing on June 5, 2020.

          The draft bill will be forwarded to the Council of State before submit to the House.

    Administrative Court annul the Finance Ministry order on the Disable Fund

          On 5 August, the Administrative Court annulled the Finance Ministry’s order on payment into the disable fund.

          The Council for the Disables launched a compliant to the court in regards to the Finance Ministry’s order to transfer a money, from the disable fund, whenever it excess than baht 1,000 million, to state revenue. The council reasoned the fund is unliquidated, diminishing and inadequate for developing the disables’ quality of lives.

          The court found the ministerial order was illegal and unreasonable.

    The assistants to the Ministers qualifications

          On 5 August, the Royal Gazette published the office of the Prime Minister’s Office regulation on persons serving as minister’s assistant that they must not be a MP, senator or being banned from running as a candidate in the election.

    Schools countrywide now fully open on-site

          On 11 August, the Educational Ministry ordered all schools nationwide to be 100% on-site since 13 August on conditions the students must daily report their after-school trips and the schools must focus on outside classroom teaching and activity.

    State revenue slumped- loans increases to baht 214 billion

          On 20 August, the Public Debt Management Office disclosed the cabinet has endorsed the Finance Ministry to increase loans to baht 214 billion in case of the revenue shortfall. Currently public debt is at 45.835 of GDP and expecting to reach 51-52% and 57-58% of GDP by 2020 and 2021 fiscal year ends respectively.

    From : http://www.fpps.or.th
