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April 2018 : Supreme Court Assembly Re-nominated Same Candidates to EC Members

  • Supreme Court Assembly re-nominated same 2 Candidates to EC members
  • Voided members can re-insure to social security scheme
  • NLA voted down NBTC nominators list
  • Regulations on state lottery amended
  • Cabinet nodded on joint venturing on defense equipment
  • NLA passed Equitable Education Fund Bill
  • Economic growth 4.2% - Export 8%
  • Thailand reiterated Mekong River Agreement
  • More 533 MB for Village Funds
  • Internet viewing surpluses real time TV audiences

    Supreme Court Assembly re-nominated same 2 Candidates to EC members

    On 26th April, a general meeting attended by 176 Supreme Court judges voted to re-elect their two candidates as the Court’s nomination in the Election Commission (EC) members as required by the law. They are the court’s chief justice Chatchai Chanpraisri and judge Pakorn Mahannop. The Court will submit these two nominees to the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) to decide whether to endorse them to be among a new set of seven election commissioners.

    In February, the NLA voted down both Chatchai and Pakorn as well as five other candidates nominated to become new members of the EC. The seven were selected by a screening committee from 41 names but none of them obtained the required support from at least half of the NLA members.

    Voided members can re-insure to social security scheme

    On 20th April, the Social Security Office of the Labor Ministry announced members voided in regards to section 39 of the Social Security Act can re-insure to the scheme. The voided are 762,274 former employees and they should recheck their status before making payment to the social security offices countrywide.

    NLA voted down NBTC nominators list

    On 19th April, the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) voted down, with 118 to 25 and 20 abstained, all 14 nominator to the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC). They were selected by the Selection Committee and submitted to the NLA to be scrutiny by the extraordinary panel.

    Following this, the selection process has to re-start but those who qualified can re-apply again.

    Regulations on state lottery amended

    On 17th April, the Cabinet endorsed on principles of the State Lottery Amendment Act with principle to establish a lottery fund to support social development. The Fund will have a seed money of maximum 1,000 million baht or one percent from lottery income per annual. Others revisions are administration cost will increase to 17 percent, from previously 12, and 60 percent, and not less than 22 percent, of income, will be allocated for rewards and public income respectively.

    Minor retailers are mandated to sell at 80 baht per ticket. The amendment increases their profit to 9.60 baht, instead of 5.60 baht, per ticket and overpricing is subjected to 10,000 baht fine, or jail, or both.

    Joint venturing on defense equipment got green light

    On 10th April, the Cabinet resolved on the Defense Ministry proposals to amend the Defense Technology Act with principle to allow the Defense Technology Institute (Public Organization) to joint-venturing with private sector in research-produce-merchandize of defense equipment and system. Currently, the Institute cannot cooperate or coordinate with private sector due to their missions are only on research and development, providing defense technology knowledge, promote and support trainings, being a center in providing data and information, promote academic activities and coordinate and cooperate with only other government agencies. The Cabinet will seek the Council of State’s advice on how to amend the Act.

    NLA passed Equitable Education Fund Bill

    On 4th April, the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) passed the Equitable Education Fund Bill with 147 to 1 votes. The Fund will have 1,000 million baht seed money allocating by the government. Their annual income will also come from the fiscal budget, the Lottery Fund and contributions from other agencies; the Quality Learning Foundation (QLF), the Thai Health Promotion Foundation.

    Economic growth 4.2% - Export 8%

    The Fiscal Policy Office disclosed economic estimation in 2018 is expected to grow 4.2 percent due to strong export growth, 8 percent, and public expenditure around 150 billion baht in Q1 and Q2. Public investment increased 8.9 percent, import 12.5 percent and inflation rate is 1.2 percent.

    Thailand reiterated Mekong River Agreement

    On 5th April, PM Prayut Chan-ocha attended the third summit meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia with other three leaders from Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. The meeting was also attended by ministers from high-level representatives from China and Myanmar. They adopted the Siem Reap Declaration that reaffirmed the Mekong River Agreement, made in 1995, and the primary role of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) in cooperating on sustainable development of water and related resources in the Mekong River Basin.

    More 533 MB for Village Funds

    The Village and Urban Community Fund have allocated another 533 million baht to 2,665 village funds, each with 200,000 baht, for implementing their projects.

    Under the 2018 Pracharat Program, a total of 20 billion baht is allocating for sustainability development regarding to His Majesty King Bhumipol’s concept. Maximum funding is 300,000 baht each and proposals must comply with funding criteria.

    Internet viewing surpluses real time TV audiences

    Eurodata TV Worldwide disclosed a report on 95 countries in 2017 that international viewing time increased nearly 3 hours than previous year. Among them, American and Canadian spent the most at 4.03 hours averagely, following by European 3.49, Asian 2.25 and Chinese 2.12.

    The Electronic Transactions Development Agency (Public Organization) also disclosed it 2017 report on television viewing in Thailand that internet audience rose to 53 percent against 47 percent actual viewing. Though viewing period diminished according to consumers have other options, this reaffirms Eurodata’s report that television is alive.

    Bangkokian prime time is between 21.00 to 23.59 hours when viewing were the most, 33.96 per cent. Following was 18.00 to 20.59 with 23.64 percent and 06.00-08.59 with 21.85 percent.

    From : http://www.fpps.or.th
