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October 2017 : HM King Bhumibol Royal Funeral

  • HM King Bhumibol Royal Funeral
  • Organic Act Political Party enforced
  • Court dismissed Thammasart Unversity students complaint
  • Tarit to be trialed on abuse of power
  • 1,151 million baht funding for 5,768 village projects
  • Water situation under controlled despite of many typhoons
  • Establishment of National Research and Innovation Office
  • Establishment of National Water Resource Office
  • The Disables can opt for Health Care or Social Security programs
  • Yingluck’s Passports revoked
  • A draft on the Courts-Independent Agents Ethical Standards
  • More fines and fees on firearm licensing
  • Cabinet resolved National Security Policies and Plans B.E. 2560-2564
  • Tax exempt on flood donations extended to 31/12/17
  • Cabinet resolved 55 projects in the National Strategic Plan PPP 2560-2564
  • Article 44 applied to EEC’s special town planning

    HM King Bhumibol Royal Funeral

          A long year of national mourning ended at the royal cremation ceremony of King Bhumibol Adulyadej took place over five days from 25 to 29 October. On 26th the National cremation services, presided by HM King Vajiralongkorn, started early morning and proceeded until late night at the Sanam Luang Royal Plaza. 42 countries sent their representatives, 24 were the royal heads of states, heads of states and royal family members, and 18 were deputy heads of states, government leaders, and special representatives.

          After the cremation, the royal ashes and relics were removed to be installed in the Buddhist statues at Wat Ratchabophit and Wat Bowonniwet Vihara.

          The royal ceremony was conducted in line with rites and rituals performed since the Ayudhaya period but with some few adaptations to suit the current factors and social functions.

    Organic Act on Political Party enforced

          On 30th September, the Organic Act on Political Party was published in the Royal gazette. The Act has 152 with principle to install good governance and transparency and secure the political party from non-partisan individuals or agents. There are some few details as follow:
    • An establishment of a political party must have a 1 million baht minimum starting fund, paid by all founding members, at a minimum of 1,000 baht each, but not exceed than 50,000 baht each.
    • The founding members should convene a meeting, attend by a minimum of 250 participants before apply for registration.
    • Party’s income should come from membership fees, at a minimum of 100 baht annually, and dues, as given. Life membership’s fee should not be less than 2,000 baht.

    Court dismissed Thammasart University students’ complaint

          On 30th October, the Court dismissed a petition of the NMD group of 13 people, led by 2 Thammasart University students, Mr. Rangsimun Rome, 25 and Mr. Pakorn Areekul, 28, against the Police Office, the Army and the Prime Minister’s Office over the capture on 22 May 2015. The complainants were gathering in front of the Bangkok Art Center in Pathumwan district to celebrate the first anniversary of the NCPO coup.

          They cited the police forcefully captured violated the police official act and claimed for 16,468,583 baht compensation.

    Tarit to be trialed on abuse of power

          On 30th October, the Criminal Court started its first hearing over the petition, launched by the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), led by Mr. Suthep Thuagsuban against former DSI chief Mr. Tarit Pengdit. Tarit was accused of abuse of power when frozen some of the PDRC’s bank accounts during the 2013 protest to unseat Yingluck government. Mr. Suthep, Mr. Eknat Prompan and Ms. Anchalee Paireerak went to testimony at the Court. The Court will call the next meeting on 29 January 2018.

    1,151 million baht funding for 5,768 village

          On 30th October, the Village and Urban Community Fund council resolved on an additional budget 1,151.8 million baht for 6,027 projects of the 5,768 village funds. Among those, the top five projects went to the community services, community shops, community drinking water, fertilizer-pesticide-seed and petroleum distributor outlets.

          A total of 12.5 billion baht has been allocated from a 15 billion baht budget which is 84.97% and it was anticipated the allocated budget will be approximately 90% or 13.5 billion baht by the end of November.

    Water situation under controlled despite of many typhoons

          Despite of many tropical monsoons and typhoons in 2017, accumulated to 1,798 millimeter almost equal to 2011 when Thailand had a great flood, water management went well due to agencies, particularly the Agriculture’s Department of Irrigation, quickly responded to each situation. Flood management included prevention, controlling and alleviation.

    A Research and Innovation Office

          On 24th October, the cabinet approved the Prime Minister’s Office regulations on an establishment of a Research and Innovation Office. The establishment is in line with NCPO’s order, issued last year, to found a central agency, under the Prime minister’s Office, to give directions and policies on national research and innovation. An office chief, to be appointed by the Prime Minister, must have professional expertise and academic background.

    A National Water Resource Agency

          On 24th October, the NCPO meeting resolved on an establishing of a National Water Resource Agency with authority to integrate all water management; data collecting, planning, projects, budgeting, evaluation, monitoring, supervising and controlling in a single agent. However, current responsible agencies’ functions are unchanged but the Water Resource Agency will oversee overall management for the prevention of disaster or integrating those agencies’ planning.

    An option for health care program for the disables

          On 24th October, the NCPO resolved to amend its 58/2559 Ordinance on the Disables Health Care Reform so the disables can choose either the health care program, aka Gold card, or social security program. Previously, once the disables being employed they must abandon their Gold Cards benefits and register to the social security program. Regarding to complaints that social security program provides less benefits, the NCPO resolved to allow the disables to choose either one of them.

    Yingluck passports annulled

          On 30th October, deputy police chief Pol. Gen Sriwara Rangsibhramkul announced the police did not stop to bring former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to serve the Court’s sentence, 5 years jail term without suspending. Requests were sent the Interpol and foreign countries and monitoring were reported every week.

          The Minister of Foreign Affairs has revoked all her 4 passport; 1. Diplomacy CD1000101 2. Diplomacy CD1002731 3. Regular AA3085997 and 4. Regular AA4522382
    Constitution Courts-Independent Agencies ethical standards amend

          On 18th October, the cabinet resolved to endorse a draft ethical standard, submitted by Deputy Prime Minister Wisanu Kraungam, on the Constitution Court juries and independent agency officials. The draft will be sent for the Justice Ministry and the State Council consideration.

          Amendment were on some definitions and for more practicability.

    NLA passed Firearms Amendment Act

          On 12th October, the National Legislative Assembly voted on the third round to pass the Firearm Amendment Bill with 201 to 1 and 5 abstention. The amendment was in line with new technology and social changes. Fines and fees are also revised since the previous act was enforced since 1947.

    National Security Policy and Plan 2017-2021

          On 10th October, the cabinet resolved to endorse the National Security Policy and Plan (B.E. 2560-2564) to be applied from 2017 to 2021. There are 16 policies and 19 plans on the strengthening of human security, promoting accessibility to justice, intelligence and evaluation of long term security, stabilizing national core institution, promoting understanding and rationalizing, necessity of the less majesty law and monitoring and assessment on the spreading of information that hurt the monarchy.

    Tax relief on flood donate extended

          On 31st October, the cabinet resolved to extend tax measure to promote donation for flooded, either on cash or materials, to deduct the donated amount at 1.5 times from taxable income, until 31st December 2017. This measure applied to both individuals and entities.

    Draft Strategy PPP55 approved

          On 24th October, the cabinet resolved to approve the draft strategic plan PPP B.E. 2560-2564 with principle to allow joint venture, state-private investment, in public projects. Currently there are 55 projects, total investment 1.62 trillion baht, divided into 2 categories;
    1. Opt-out projects; should allow for joint-venturing.
    2. Opt-in projects; under promotion for joint-venturing.

          Development criteria will consider linkages among implementation framework and time frame to prevent overlapping of investment while secure ongoing services to the public and most efficiency.

    EEC town planning speed up by Section 44

          On 24th October, the NCPO revised its order on the application of Section 44 to town planning in the Eastern Economic Corridor Zone; Chacheangsao, Chonburi, and Rayong provinces to be in line with an anticipation of the enactment of the EEC draft Bill.

          Planning of land use, public utilities, transportation, information technology and communication, ecosystem, housing, water management and pollution control, by the responsible agents must be finished within 6 months after the demarcation approved by the Eastern Economic Corridor Development Council.

    From : http://www.fpps.or.th
