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June 2013 : Fifth Cabinet Reshuffle

  • Fifth Cabinet reshuffle
  • White mask group protest
  • Public hearing needed before water management starts
  • Rice pledge reduced to ß 12,000 per ton
  • Economic growth rate lowered
  • More Baht 7.5 billion loan to help SMEs
  • Diesel tax waived monthly
  • Plodprasop to assess Thai Kem Kaeng projects
  • Thai household debt highest in 5 years
  • Former election commissioners acquitted by Supreme Court
  • State enterprise fathers to get pay- leave at wives delivery
  • National reserves increased USD 1200 million
  • Thai Spring launch social media online protest
  • CC to rule over constitution amendment Section 68 and 237
  • 68 new industrial estates to set up for AEC

    Fifth Cabinet reshuffle

    On 30th June 2013, His Majesty endorsed a new cabinet which is the fifth reshuffle since Prime Minister Yingluck Shinatara took office since 8th August 2011. They are:
    1. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra , Prime Minister and Minister of Defense.
    2. General Yuthasak Sasiprapha, Deputy Defense Minister.
    3. Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan, Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister.
    4. Pol. Gen. Pracha Promnok, Deputy Prime Minister.
    5. Chaikasem Nitisiri, Justice Minister.
    6. Pongthep Thepkanjana, Deputy Prime Minister.
    7. Chaturon Chaisang, Education Minister.
    8. Pol. Cap. Chalerm Yubamrung, Labor Minister.
    9. Santi Prompat, Minister to the Prime Minister Office
    10. Mrs. Paveena Hongsakul, Minister of Social Development and Human Security.
    11. Warathep Rattanakorn, Minister of the Prime minister Office and Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives.
    12. Pirapan Palusuk, Minister of Science and Technology.
    13. Vichet Kasemthongsri, Minister of Natural Resource and Environment.
    14. Mrs. Benja Louichareon, Deputy Minister of Finance.
    15. Pong Chewananth, Deputy Minister of Transport.
    16. Yanyong Phuangrach, Deputy Commerce Minister.
    17. Visarn Techateerawat, Deputy Interior Minister.
    18. Sorawong Thienthong, Deputy Health Minister.

    White mask group protest

    On 30th June 2013, a number of protesters V for Thailand wearing Guy Fawkers white masks gathered in front of CentralWorld shopping complex at the Ratchprasong intersection to protest Yingluck administration. The event was to peacefully oppose Thaksin regime dictatorship, disguised under democracy, and corruption. The white mask group demonstration was held every weekend and this was the fifth one.

    The white mask gatherings were also simultaneously held in the provinces and abroad such as Hong Kong and Australia.

    Public hearing needed before water management starts

    On 27th June 2013, the Central Administrative Tribunal ruled the government must conduct public hearing and environmental and health impact studies before starting the water management project.

    The Anti Global Warming Association led by Srisuwan Janya alleged the Prime Minister and the Water and Flood Management Committee (WFMC) of violating the constitution and sought the court’s order to cancel the Baht 3.5 billion project. The verdict reasoned the project must comply to Section 57 paragraph 2 and Section 67 paragraph 2 of the Constitution since it covers large area of the country and will impact a lot of people.

    Section 57. A person shall have the right to receive data, explanations and reasons from a Government agency, a State agency, a State enterprise or a local government organization prior to the approval or the operation of any project or activity which may affect the quality of the environment, health and sanitary conditions, the quality of life or any other material interest concerning such person or a local community and shall have the right to express his or her opinions to agencies concerned, for assisting further consideration of such matters.
    In planning social, economic, political and cultural development, or in undertaking expropriation, town and country planning, zoning and making by-laws likely to have impacts on essential interests of the public, the State shall cause to be held comprehensive public hearings prior thereto.
    Section 67. The right of a person to give to the State and communities participation in the conservation, preservation and exploitation of natural resources and biological diversities and in the protection, promotion and preservation of the quality of the environment for regular and continued livelihood in the environment which is not hazardous to his or her health and sanitary condition, welfare or quality of life, shall be protected as appropriate.
    Any project or activity which may seriously affect the community with respect to the quality of the environment, natural resources and health shall not be permitted, unless, prior to the operation thereof, its impacts on the quality of the environment and on public health have been studied and assessed and a public hearing process has been conducted for consulting the public as well as interested persons and there have been obtained opinions of an independent organization, consisting of representatives from private organizations in the field of the environment and health and from higher education institutions providing studies in the field of the environment, natural resources or health.
    The right of a community to bring a lawsuit against a Government agency, a State agency, a State enterprise, a local government organization or other State authority which is a juristic person for the performance of duties under this provision shall be protected.

    New measures for rice pledge

    On 19th June 2013, the cabinet approved the National Rice Committee’s proposal to reduce the buying price of the 2013 off-season crop from Baht 15,000 to Baht 12,000 and limits the maximum amount to Baht 500,000 per household. The cabinet also reminded the Commerce, the Agriculture and Cooperatives and Interior Ministries to strictly supervise the rice pledging program in every details from registration, surveying, storing, selling etc. These new measures, effective on 30th June 2013, was a result from an estimation that there is approximately 18 million tons supply in the government stock which could cause a loss of approximately Baht 220 billion.

    Economic growth target reduced

    The Fiscal Policy Office readjusted 2013 economic growth rate from 4.8 to 4.5 percent due to a decline in domestic consumption and investment following decreasing in agricultural product prices; rubber, rice etc.

    More Baht 7.5 billion loan to help SMEs

    On 25th June 2013, the Cabinet approved a budget allocation of Baht 7,500 million to the SMEs Bank for provisional of loans at special interest rates. The loans must be used for improvement of machines in production line since the SMEs were the most affected sector from the increase of daily minimum wage to Baht 300. Maximum credit is increased from 2 to 5 million Baht. The bank had lent out its previously received Baht 7,500 million budget.

    Diesel tax waive re-extended

    On 25th June 2013, the Cabinet resolved to re-extend a waive on diesel tax for another month until end of July. The waive cost a loss of Baht 9,000 million per month.

    Plodprasop assigned to new job

    On 25th June 2013, the Cabinet also resolved to appoint Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi to chair a committee to monitor the Thai Kem Kaeng project. He will assess the progression and effectiveness of the project loans. The committee comprises of Minister to the Prime Minister Office Worathep Rattanakorn and officials from the Budget Bureau and the Comptroller General Department. Thai Kem Kaeng or Thai Strength project was initiated by the Abhisith Vejjajiva administration to promote economic growth through various loans.

    Household debt reached peak

    The Center for Economic and Business Forecasting of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce disclosed that in 2013, 64.6 percent of Thai households are in debt and the number is 12 percent higher than last year. The percentile also is the highest in the past 5 years. While average debt per household is Baht 188,774.54 and repayment is Baht 11,671.93 monthly, proportion between formal and informal or loan shark loans are 50.4 and 49.6 percent and their repayments are Baht 10,990.28 and Baht 6,377.70 per month respectively. Informal loans also grew faster at a rate of 13.6 % per annum.

    Supreme Court drops charge against former EC commissioners

    On 13th June 2013, the Supreme Court dropped the lawsuit against former Election Commission chairman Wassana Permlarp and two other former EC commissioners, who were accused of unlawfully organizing the 2006 by-elections.

    The Supreme Court reasoned that Democrat MP Thaworn Senniem had no jurisdiction right to sue Wassana and the three former EC members as he is not a directly damaged person.
    Wassana and two other former EC members were earlier sentenced to four years in jail by lower courts and had their election rights revoked for ten years. One of them has died so the court dropped the suit against him.

    Thaworn alleged that Wassana and other EC members violated the 1998 EC Act by allowing failed candidates to re-contest by-elections is some constituencies on April 23 2006.
    The by-elections were held after Pheu Thai candidates, who had no contestants in the preceding general election, failed to earn up to 20 per cent of votes from eligible voters. The general election was boycotted by the Democrat. With the rival candidates in the by-elections, Pheu Thai candidates could avoid the 20 percent vote-getting requirement rule.
    Earlier, the Criminal Court sentenced Wassana and two other EC members to four years in jail and the Appeals Court upheld the ruling. But the Supreme Court disagreed with the ruling on ground that Thaworn was not an affected party as the Democrat did not contest the election in the first place.

    State enterprise fathers to get leave over child delivery

    On 18th June 2013, the cabinet resolved the Labour Ministry proposal to allow state enterprise male workers to have a leave between 15-30 days on their wives delivery on condition that the couples must be legally married. A maximum leave of 15 days will be a pay-leave and an exceeding of 30 days could be paid, at a maximum of 15 days, upon the agency head consent.

    National reserves increased USD 1200 million

    The Bank of Thailand disclosed that national reserves on 7th June 2013 reached USD 1.765 trillion or Baht 5.408 trillion which is an increase of USD 1,200 million or 3.72% from previous week.

    Online rallies to protest government

    On 14th June 2013, the Thai Spring group led by retired Pol. Gen. Vasit Dejkunchorn, Kaewsan and Kwansuang Atibhodi kick off an online rallies to protest the government. From 23 June to 28 July 2013, between 18.00 to 20.00 hours, they will organize six rallies in a closed venue and upload videos on Thai Spring Forum social media. The group claimed they are exercising their rights according to Section 69 of the Constitution.
    "Section 69. A person shall have the right to resist peacefully any act committed for the acquisition of the power to rule the country by a means which is not in accordance with the modes provided in this Constitution."

    Constitution Court to rule on Section 68 and 237 amendment

    On 13th June 2013, the Constitutional Court tribunal voted 5 to 4 to accept Chamlong Srimuang and Wirat Kanlayasiri petitions on the amendment of Section 68 and Section 237 of the Constitution. They alleged 312 MPs and senators who submitted a motion to amend the two sections reasoning the amendment is an overthrowing of democratic regime of government which the King is the head of the state. Chamlong is one of People Alliance for Democracy (PAD) leaders and Wirat is Democrat Party attorney.

    More 28 industrial estates for AEC

    Between 1st April to 31st May 2013 the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand ( IEAT) invited private sector to submit proposals to set up industrial estates to serve the Asean Economic Community coming up on 2015. 28 proposals of total investment cost Baht 892 billion, covering 14,200 rais, were submitted and they are 18 SMEs estates, 4 logistics estates in Chiang Khong and Chiang Rai, and 6 estates in northeastern region. The IEAT will provide incentives as follow:
    1. Setting up of One Stop Shop ( OSS), at a minimum cost of Baht 10 million, in every estate. Each OSS should have approximately 500 sq.m. operating area.
    2. Two years exemption of IEAT supervisory cost. Payment starts from the fifth year.
    3. IEAT would promote and PR these estates to the international investors.

    From : http://www.fpps.or.th
