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April 2008 : Constitutional Court Judges All Appointed

  • Constitutional Court judges appointed

  • Appeal Court confirmed sentence on 3 former Election Commissioners
  • AEC found Thaksin guilty on Myanmar loan
  • Direct funds to boost provincial development
  • Government stock to ease rice prices
  • Lower MRTA fare extended
  • Cabinet approved early retirement for government officials
  • Government to abolish full guarantee on bank deposits
  • Taxi drivers to get social security
  • Over 60% Thai household has average debt of 116,681 baht
  • Teachers to receive extra for over-time
  • Medical allowance increased for employees
  • Income and property transfer taxes reduced

    Constitutional Court judges appointed
    On 24th April, the general assembly of the Supreme Administrative Court, unanimously voted two judges, Jaron Intacharn and Udomsak Nitimontri, to sit on the Constitutional Court. The bench is now complete and the Constitutional Court can begin its work after the judges have received royal command.

    The other seven previously appointed judges are:
    • four from the selection process: Jarun Pakditanakul, legal expert, Wasant Soipisut, legal expert, Supot Kaimook, political science expert and Calerm Ek-uru, political science expert, and
    • three nominated by the Supreme Court, Chut Cholworn, Nurak Mapraneet and Boonsong Kulbupa, all Supreme Court judges.
    Appeal Court confirmed sentence on 3 former Election Commissioners
    The Appeal Court, on April 24th, confirmed the lower Court’s sentence on three former Election Commissioners, Pol. Gen. Wasana Permlarp, Wirachai Naewboonnean and Prinya Nakchatri, to a 4 year immediate imprisonment (without deferment or suspension) and removed their voting rights for 10 years.

    The three were convicted of breaching the 1998 Election Act by exceeding their authority in conducting by-elections on 23rd and 29th April 2006 and in ordering polling directors to allow failed candidates (those who receiving less than 20% of the eligible votes in the general election) to run in the by-elections.

    After the verdict, they were allowed bail at Bt. 4000,000 each and planned to appeal to the Supreme Court.

    AEC found Thaksin guilty on Myanmar loan
    On 31st March, the Asset Examination Commission (AEC) unanimously found the former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra guilty of conducting foreign affairs for personal gain in the matter of the EXIM Bank 4,000 million baht loan. Within 14 days, the AEC will send a report and documentary evidence to the Attorney General, who will file a petition to the Supreme Court of Justice Criminal Division for Persons Holding Political Positions.

    During the Thaksin administration, the EXIM Bank granted a 3,000 million baht loan to the Mynmar Government for a telecommunication project, the loan was later increased to 4,000 million baht.

    Direct funds to boost provincial development
    On 29th April, the Cabinet approved a development budget of 35,000 million baht to stimulate the economy, social, natural and environmental resources in the provinces. Following a previous Cabinet resolution on 18th March, the budget will be directly allocated according to the following criteria:
    • 50% equally to every provinces;
    • 10% according to population;
    • 35% according to a province’s level of poverty shown by the rate of household income;
    • 5% according to a province’s gross product.
    Government stock to ease rice prices
    On 29th April, the Cabinet approved a Commerce Ministry’s program to release 2.1 million ton of rice from government stock to alleviate rice shortages in the domestic market. The first lot will be offered within 2 weeks.

    In spite of being a rice-exporting country, Thailand suffered shortages in the domestic market when worried consumers started to stockpile rice for household consumption after prices in the international market kept soaring during last months. The Public Warehouse Organization will supervise rice distribution in small packages, to retail to the public at 20% below market price.

    Lower MRTA fare extended
    On 29th April, the Cabinet approved a Transport Ministry’s proposal to freeze current fares of 15-39 baht on the Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA) for another five months. In January 2009, fares will increase to 16-41 baht; previously, increases were due on 3rd July 2008.

    Moreover, there is a study on the possibility of reducing fares to 50% for the elderly and for young people in line with MRTA’s founding regulations.

    Cabinet approved early retirement for government officials
    On 22nd April, the Cabinet approved an early retirement scheme for government officials according to the following guidelines:
    • Must be over 50 years old, or with over 25 years of service, and will be eligible for compensation at 8-15 times final salary.
    • Applicants shall be limited to a maximum of 20% of all positions.
    • Early retirement can be taken any time between 1st October 2008 and 1st October 2112 for those whose remaining tenure exceeds one year at the time of retirement.
    Government to abolish full guarantee on bank deposits
    On 29th April, the Cabinet approved a budget of 406 million baht to set up the Deposit Insurance Agency in support of the Deposit Insurance Agency Bill being read in Parliament. The fund shall be divided into 156 million baht for start-up and 249 million baht for administration.

    The Deposit Insurance Agency will be charged with protecting bank customers by monitoring banking status and performance. There will be a Deposit Insurance Fund, paid for partially by government funds and partially by annual fees (not exceeding 1% of all deposits) collected from commercial banks. This fund is to guarantee bank deposits. However, the maximum guarantee sum will steadily decrease from 100 to 50, 25, 10, and finally to only 1 million baht per account per financial institution in each year from start up.

    Currently, the government fully guarantees all bank deposits, but if the Bill is enacted, the guarantee is will be greatly reduced.

    Taxi drivers to get social security
    On 22nd April, the Cabinet approved a Labour Ministry’s proposal to include taxi drivers into the social security scheme set up according to the 1980 Social Security Act. Any driver now can apply to join the scheme, after a payment of 3,600 baht annual fee, and will be entitled to receive three benefits: on child birth [ female drivers] , disability and death.

    Over 60% Thai household has average debt of 116,681 baht
    The National Statistics Bureau revealed that in 2007, in a study of 52,000 households nationwide, 63.3% has an average debt of 116,681 baht which is a 1.1% reduction from the previous year.

    However, between 1998 and 2004, the percentage figure has increased from 55.1% to 66.4% due to expenses in buying the home and in household consumption.

    Teachers to receive extra for over-time
    On 1st April, the Cabinet approved a Finance Ministry’s proposal to allow each educational institution to issue its own regulations on the payment of out-of-classroom and overtime teaching. Rates should be based on national consumer price index from 1995 to the present.

    Medical allowance increased for employees
    On 1st April, the Cabinet approved a ministerial ordinance, proposed by the Council of State, to increase the rate of medical payment to be paid by employers. The rate for basic medical payment is not to exceed 45,000 baht per employee. Employees injured in an accident or suffering from long-term illness will receive a total medical payment of 300,000 baht instead of the previous 200,000. Daily hospitable allowance is increased from a maximum of 700 baht to 1300 baht.

    Income and property transfer taxes reduced
    Tax-free personal allowance in income tax is increased from 100,000 baht to 150,000 baht effective from April 2008.

    Further, on 22nd April, the Cabinet agreed to reduce property transfer tax from 2% for sale and 1% for mortgages to 0.01% until 28th March 2009. This is to reflect the 4th March Cabinet Resolution to boost economic growth and is applicable to both residential and commercial units, detached, semi-detached, terraced or row houses, built on land not larger than one rai.

    From : http://www.fpps.or.th
