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December 2007 : His Majesty wishes the people Happy New Year

  • His Majesty’s New Year message ‘compromise and be conciliatory, do not make problems or demand conditions’

  • The Election Commission summary of election results: People Power Party (PPP) Palang Prachachun came first with 75% voters’ participation.
  • Virat Limvichai, President of the Supreme Court, was elected as Chairman of The Committee to select Senators; names of senatorial candidates to be submitted 3rd – 17thJanuary, 2008
  • Supreme Administrative Court dismissed PTT privatization case, but three sets of gas pipes and adjoining land to be transferred to Ministry of Finance
  • Surayud Government’s one year completed more than 85% of programs. Government’s revenue in November 2007 is 108,535 million baht, 10.9% higher than same time last year.
  • Last Cabinet meeting pushed through 6 mega-projects worth 50,000 million, including airport link
  • National Legislative Assembly passed the Deposit Insurance Agency Act, reducing Government guarantee to only a part of bank deposits.
  • National Legislative Assembly passed last minute bills: Chula, Lat Krabang Technology, and Chiengmai Universities all become autonomous.
  • Election Commission dismissed complaint about National Security Council’s bias shown in ‘classified documents’ because of Constitutional immunity; NSC escapes.
  • Social Security Office increased public health spending to 2,194 baht/person/year.
  • Cabinet Resolution reducing tax to help society and the disabled and to encourage social consciousness.
  • NCCC recommends criminal charges against officials of three independent organizations
  • Cabinet Resolution requires national ID card even for babies.
  • Cabinet Resolution: starting 17th December 2007, petrol retailers to pay increased contributions into Oil Fund to encourage fuel conservation.
  • Cabinet Resolution allows GM-crop experiments on state land.

    His Majesty wishes the people Happy New Year

    On 31st December 2007, on the occasion of the New Year, His Majesty made the following statement to the Thai people,

    “I wish the Thai people a Happy New Year 2551, I send you all my best wishes and thank you very much for the kindnesses shown to me when I was ill, for arranging my 80th birthday celebration and for the heartfelt concern shown in my sister’s illness.

    What is the situation in our country last year and which continues this year, we are all aware of. In any event, now we have our Constitution and we had our election, so we have passed a critical juncture. It is now our duty to help support the country so it can be stable and peaceful. The way to do that is to think right and be steadfast in holding the country’s best interest as the objective. Each of us has to reduce our own self-interest and become more conciliatory. We have to be kind and loving to each other and try not to create problems or demand conditions which will cause turmoil and conflict. Whatever duty we have, we must apply ourselves so it can be completed timely and successfully. Results of these will combine to make our country strong and peaceful.

    May the power of the Triple Gem and of all holy things that Thai people revere protect you and keep all of you free from danger and trouble, make you happy and well and allow you to attain everything you wish for in the coming New Year.”

    Summary of election results as of 23rd December

    The Election Commission published a summary of the election results as of 23rd December as follows:

    Number of eligible voters : 44,022,593
    Number actually voted : 32,759,009
    Voters participation : 74.45%
    Province with the highest percentage of voters participation: Lampoon : 88.90%
    Province with the lowest percentage of voters participation: Sakul Nakorn : 66.73%
    Number of registered absentee and early voters : 2,095,410
    Number of actual absentee and early voters : 1,838,889
    Equivalent to : 87.77%
    Number of early voters : 1,126,390

    The People Power Party received the most votes in constituencies and under proportionate representation.

    The Democrat Party came second.

    A summary of the election results

    Name of PartyConstituency MembersProportionate RepresentativesTotal
    People Power Party19934233
    Democrat Party13233165
    Chart Thai33437
    Puea Pandin17724
    Ruam Jai Thai Charat Pattana819
    Machima Thipataya7-7
    Pracha raj415

    Starting the Senatorial selection process

    On 26th December 2007, the Senate Selection Committee which is made up of representatives from seven organizations including: the Head of the Election Commission, the Chief of the Ombudsman’s Office, the President of the Supreme Court, the Chairman of the National Counter-Corruption Commission, and the Head of the Asset Examination Commission, appointed Virat Limvichai, President of Supreme Court, as Chairman of the Committee.

    The Committee announced that it will receive nominations for the 74 selected senators from organizations e.g. Academics, state, NGOs, professional and others. These organizations must be legally recognized, registered in Thailand for at least three years and non-profit. Nominations will be accepted for 15 days, 3rd – 17th January. Each organization can only nominate one candidate who must have a record of working for that organization: article 128 of the Election of MPs and Selection and Election of Senators Law. The Selection Committee will consider expertise, experience, gender and age as well as ensuring that the socially underprivileged are represented. Subsequently, the Election Commission will publish the results; notify the House of Representatives and senatorial names published in the Royal Gazette.

    The remaining 76 senators will be directly elected on 2nd March 2008, each representing one province, with Bangkok having 2 elected senators.

    Court’s ruling on Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT) privatization

    This was a claim by the Foundation for Consumers to the Supreme Administrative Court claiming that the PTT privatization was unlawful because the process did not follow legally prescribed formalities and the Royal Decree determining powers, rights and assets of PTT and the Royal Decree transforming PTT into a State Enterprise were unlawful.

    The Supreme Administrative Court ruled on 14th December that there was no illegality in the privatization procedure because there was no conflict of interests by the two Committee members in charge of overseeing privatization. However, the gas transmission pipeline system, land attached to it and its right of way are public domain. PTT as a state enterprise could possess this public domain as well as the state power necessary for its function, but PTT as a public company was not entitled to hold this public domain and could not exercise related state power.

    Consequently, the defendants, comprising of the Cabinet, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Energy and PTT are to transfer the public domain comprising of the gas transmission pipeline system, land attached to it and the right of way to the Ministry of Finance. The Court also rejects the request to annul the Royal Decree determining the powers, rights and assets of PTT and the Royal Decree transforming PTT into a public company.

    One year of the Surayud Government

    The Cabinet meeting on 11th December considered the report on the one year of the Surayud Government which is said to be 85% completed. The projects which the government successfully completed were: the King’s 80th birthday celebration, the promotion and support of self-sufficiency philosophy into actual practice, the drafting of the Constitution of 2007, the General Election on 23rd December and the reduction of the Oil Fund debt from 64,000 million to 7511 million baht.

    The Government was able to generate revenue of 108,535 million in November 2007, which is a 10.9% increase from same time last year. It had a budget expenditure of 127,018 million, a 14% increase from last year. The difference is due to increased capital investment of 9,682 million or 13%. Fixed expenditure increased by 10.6%, budget expenditure reduced by 17.1%, making a budget deficit of 18,483 million in November 2007 and a deficit off-budget of 32,918 million baht.

    The Cabinet pushed through six mega projects worth 50,000 million

    On 18th December 2007, in the last Cabinet meeting prior to the General Election, the Cabinet authorized 50,000 million baht worth of big infrastructure projects, e.g.
    • The Suvanabhumi Airport Link requiring a borrowing of 9,940 million requested by the State Railway of Thailand;
    • The Purple Rail line from Bang Yai to Bang Sue requiring a 9,209 million expropriation budget requested by the Transport Department;
    • The Bang Pli-Suksawat Expressway and the Outer Bangkok Ring road number 37 projects worth 18,397 million requested by the Transport Department;
    • The State Railway of Thailand is to repay costs plus interest for the station and tunnel under the passengers’ terminal at Suvanabhumi Airport to the Airports of Thailand Public Co. Ltd. A further 445 million to complete related projects was also authorized.
    • The third Friendship Bridge from Nakorn Phanom Province to the Lao People's Democratic Republic worth 1,347 million with the first phrase worth 300 million requested by The Transport Department;
    • The multi-government submarine cable system connecting Asia to America: AAG Asia-America Gateway requested by CAT Telekom (Thailand), worth 3,600 million.

    The Cabinet rushed through authorizations for infrastructure projects because after the General Election the Government will only be quasi-caretaker so should not approve big money projects.

    No more full government guarantee for bank deposits

    The National Legislative Assembly passed by 129 to 4 in 2-3 readings, the Deposit Insurance Agency Act whose important measures include reducing full Government guarantee on bank deposits to only a partial guarantee. This is to take effect 180 days from publication in the Royal Gazette.

    Three Universities to become autonomous

    The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) approved autonomy for three large universities by the following majorities:
    • King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lat Krabang 134-6 votes
    • Chiengmai University 138-2 votes and
    • Chulalongkorn University 134-6 votes

    The Deputy President of the NLA confirmed that these draft laws are not in conflict with the Constitution and are in accordance with tradition and practice. The President of NLA has carefully considered these proposals prior to including them into the agenda. Many people were concerned that the laws were being rushed through the NLA, especially with a large number of demonstrators surrounding the Parliament building objecting to NLA’s continuing sessions to consider and approve draft laws shortly before the General Election

    The Election Commission dismissed case against NSC’s confidential documents

    On 12th December, the Election Commission (EC) decided by 4-1 to dismiss the request by the People Power Party to investigate confidential documents of the National Security Council (NSC) alleging that the latter was bias and obstructed against the Party. The four votes for dismissing the request were on various grounds including, NSC’s Constitutional immunity and no actual wrongdoings. The lone dissenting voice of Sodsri Satayathum argued that the EC had no mandate to review a case involving the NSC at all. The majority decision agreed with the minority view of the fact finding Panel (headed by Suphon Yithithada) that the NSC lacked political neutrality.

    Social Security Office increased annual public health spending per person

    On 18th December 2007, the Social Security Office announced an increase in the limit it pays to hospitals in its program for each registered gold card member for the year 2008 to an average of 2,194 baht per person per year. This includes medical fees, risk of chronic disease fee and others.

    Further, recent statistics suggest that the highest incidents of overweight people are in the working age population of 30-60 years old. Therefore, the Social Security Office and the National Health Security Office have started an 18-month joint program to inform a target of 500,000 overweight people that they run high risks of chronic conditions, e.g. high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart conditions and diabetes and to start them on a program to prevent them from developing related diseases.

    Reduced Taxes to help Society

    On 18th December, the Cabinet agreed to reduce taxes in order to encourage giving to charity and to increase a sense of social responsibility amongst Thais. There will be a special office charged with managing these tax reduction measures, so these do not become mere tax loopholes. These measures are:
    • Waive personal income tax for the transferor of a free-of-charge transfer of land of not more than 50 rai to a charitable organization.
    • Reduce personal income tax for the carer of an indigent disabled person unable to look after himself.
    • Reduce personal income tax for the contributor of a fund for the welfare of the disabled.
    • The employer or owner of a business who employs a disabled person can deduct twice the amount of actual expenses in order to calculate taxes.
    • The employer or owner of a business who contributes to a fund for the welfare of the disabled can deduct twice the amount of actual expenses in order to calculate taxes.
    • The owners of buildings, spaces, transport, or other public services who install special facilities for the disabled can deduct twice the amount of actual expenses in order to calculate taxes.

    NCCC recommends criminal charges against officials in three independent organizations

    The National Counter-Corruption Commission (NCCC) recommended that twenty officeholders from three independent state agencies: 3 from the Ombudsman’s Office, 5 former members of the Election Commission (EC) and 14 former judges of the Constitution Court, be tried for abuse of power for awarding themselves pay rises under the pretext of meeting allowances of 20,000 per month in 2004.

    The 14 former judges are: Kramol Thongdhamachart, Jira Boonpojanasoontorn, Jumphol na Songkhla, Pan Jantaraparn, Mongkol Saratun, Manit Withayatem, Sakdi Techacharn, Suchit Boonbongkarn, Suthee Suthisomboon, Suwan Suwan-vecho, Suvit Teerapong, Saowanee Asawaroj and Ura Wangormklang.

    The three from the Ombudsman’s Office are: Poonsap Piya-anan, Theeradet Meepian and Pramote Chotimongkol.

    The four former members of the Election Commission are: Vasana Puemlarp, Prinya Nakchudtree, Virachai Naewboonnien and Jaruphat Ruangsuwan.

    EC member Jaral Buranapansri and Judge Preecha Chalermvanich had died and legal action against them had lapsed.

    These recommendations will be forwarded to the Office of the Attorney-General who will determine if prosecutions are to be made.

    Cabinet Resolution requires national ID card even for babies.

    On 11th December, the Cabinet approved the Thai Identity Card draft law which had been scrutinized by the Council of State. It includes the following provisions:
    • Every Thai national is to hold an ID card from birth.
    • The card will be valid for 10 years.
    • Finger prints are required and cards need to be renewed at expiration.
    • There will be penalties for revealing personal information without the cardholder’s permission.
    • Penalties for people age 15 or over who refuse to show an ID card upon request. Young people under 15 would not be liable to penalties.

    The question of photographs for babies would not be problematic.

    More into the Oil Fund

    The Cabinet meeting on 18th December authorized increases into the Oil Fund in order to encourage energy conservation. The new rate of retailers’ contribution into the Oil Fund will be:
    • Benzene an increase of 0.18 baht/liter (total 4 baht/liter for 95-octane and 3.30 baht/liter for 91-octaine)
    • Gasohol an increase of 0.1870 baht/liter (total 0.30 baht/liter for gasohol 95 and 0.20 baht/liter for gasohol 91)
    • Diesel an increase of 0.18 baht/liter (total 0.70 baht/liter)
    • Biodiesel B5 increase from 0.1835 baht/liter to 0.25/litre

    Out of these contributions 0.50 baht/liter will be channeled into the Energy Conservation Fund to finance railway construction as per the National Energy Policy Council resolution of 28th September in order to reduce energy consumption and logistics costs.

    Cabinet approved GM-crop trials

    On 25th December 2007, the Cabinet approved the Department of Agriculture and Cooperatives’ request to conduct trial experiments with GM crops in government experimental plots, but refused the request to conduct experiments in laboratories, schools and other farmlands.

    From : http://www.fpps.or.th
