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October 2007 : General Election Date : December 23

  • Royal approved December 23 election.

  • Election Commission set January 2, 2008 selection date for senators.
  • General Sonthi Boonyaratklin was royally appointed as deputy prime minister.
  • Martial law lifted in 11 provinces but declared in more 3 provinces.
  • The 2007 national balance sheet deficit Bt. 158,000 billion.
  • The cabinet approved immigration amendment bill.
  • Establishment of “National Reconciliation Council” approved.
  • Bt.1800 million for development of nuclear energy.
  • NLA voted to make TITV public broadcaster.
  • 2-3 digits lottery will be restarted.
  • The cabinet approved Internal Security Bill and let the prime minister being head of the council.
  • Retail Business Bill approved giving power to central committee.
  • 37 provinces to pilot self-budgeting starting from 2008 fiscal year.
  • State enterprise officials will get 4% pay rise.
  • Cabinet approved purple line rail cost Bt. 56 billion.
  • Surrogate mother will be legalize soon.
  • Bus fare increase by 50 stang..
  • Free education for Kamnans and village chiefs.

    December 23 election

    HM the King gave royal approval for December 23 as the date for general election taking effect on October 25 one day after published in the royal gazette.

    Regard to the constitution, there shall be total 480 MPs; 400 from the constituencies and 80 from party-list.

    The Election Commission (EC) designated the whole country into 188 constituencies and 8 zones. 31out of 188 constituencies will have only 1 MP while the rest 157 will have 2-3 MPs. For constituency MPs, voters will choose candidates equal to the numbers of MPs in their constituencies.

    The 80 party-list MPs will come from 8 designated zones, each with 10 MPs. Each zone will have averagely population of 7.8 million. Political party can submit party-list candidates in 1-8 zones but each list must comprise of all 10 candidates. Each voter can vote for only one political party and the marks will be proportionate for party-list MPs.

    The EC meeting, absented by Mrs. Sodsri Satayatham, revised the rules allow free campaigning, including using musical instruments and other medias. On air campaigning will be taken into consideration by the broadcaster. However the cap for campaign spending is set at Bt 1.5 million per candidate, both constituency and party-list, and must be added to the total party’s expenditure.

    Senate selection starts on Jan 2

    Election commission Prapan Naikovit disclosed on October 10 that the EC agreed on January 2, 2008 as selection of senators date due to be certain that the results of the December 23 general election will be announced before year end so the senate selection process will be finalize before end of February.

    The charter states each province to have only 1 senator while the total number is 150 therefore the rest must come from selection by the committee. Academic institutions, professional institutions, public and private sectors are eligible to nominate names to the selection panel and the criteria is to select people whose experiences and knowledge are benefit to senatorial functions taken into consideration of equality of sexes, sector groups and social privileges.

    Sonthi becomes deputy PM

    HM the King on October 1 gave royally appointment of General Sonthi Boonyaratklin as deputy prime minister. He will be in charge of security affairs.

    Review of martial law

    The cabinet on October 30 approved the lift of martial law, as proposed by the National Security Council, in 11 provinces namely; Prachuab Kirikhan, Khon Kaen, Petchburi, Ratchburi, Chaiyaphum, Nakorn Ratchsrima, Maha Sarakam, Roi Et, Kamphangpetch, Nong Bua Lumphu and Udorn Thani, and added 3 more provinces to the designated list namely; Nakorn Phanom, Nong Kai and Mukdaharn, as proposed by the National Security Council.

    Martial law is currently reduced from 400 to 179 districts nationwide and could be categorized into 3 types; 115 adjacent to border line, 26 on border line and 38 in the four southern provinces. Problems in these districts are drugs, trafficking and outlaw trades.

    2007 budget Bt. 158,000 million deficits

    The Finance Ministry disclosed national financial status according to the September cash flow that the state finance is Bt 72 billion gains; Bt 41 is in the budgetary system and Bt 30 billion is not. During the fiscal year the government had collected Bt 1,444 billion revenue which is 7.9% higher than the previous year. However, higher expenditure of Bt 1574 billion or 12.9% makes cash flow deficit of Bt 158,731 million. The government issued Bt 146 billion bonds and promissory notes and use Bt 12 billion treasury reserves to cover the deficit. However, the economic growth rate of 4 % annually was reached to boost national overall economy.

    Immigration Act revises

    The cabinet meeting on October 30 agreed on principle to revise the Immigration Act to empower the prime minister to appoint state officials and issue ministerial regulation regard to the act. Definitions for “minister’, “director-general”, “immigration state official” shall be changed to the current situation also as the immigration committee to be headed by police chief instead of interior minister.

    Reconciliation Committee

    The cabinet meeting on October 30 approved on principle the establishment of the Reconciliation Committee as proposed by Paiboon Wattanasiritham, deputy PM and minister of Social Development and Human Security.

    The Reconciliation Committee will be chaired by the prime minister with members includes minister of justice, interior and Social Development and Human Security etc. with authorities to make recommendations, policies, plan and means to create reconciliation in the country by proposing revision of laws and regulations to enhance unity within nation and solve violence in a peaceful way. The committee will be under the justice ministry.

    Development of nuclear energy

    The cabinet meeting on October 30 approved Bt 1.8 billion for the development of nuclear power plant under the Energy Ministry. Study and organization plan will be conducted during 2007-2009 to find appropriate technology, feasibility, location, and estimated budget. Moreover, public will be informed through 8 seminars within 6 months. The establishment will be complied with several laws and regulations currently enforced.

    TITV went public

    The National Legislation Assembly (NLA) voted to pass the law making Thai Independent Television (TITV) a public organization authorizes with servicing radio and television broadcasting. The organization will be public authority; under the state investment and assets management, but not state run or enterprise.

    During the debate, some NLA members opposed the bill but finally passed it with 134 to 6 votes. The proposal to review sources of income and proportion of the subsidiary every 10 year was also approved, too.

    2-3 digits lottery restart

    The National Legislation Assembly passed in the first hearing with 114-36 a new lottery bill proposed by NLA’s member Sangkit Piriyarangsan with principle to grant the operation of the two and three-digit lottery. The bill will be further scrutinized by a 19-members NLA committee.

    The new bill, if promulgated as law, will pay lucky punters huge jackpot prizes similar to those offered during the Thaksin Shinawatra government, which initiated the lottery. The current ad hoc lottery started by the present government only offers three moderate jackpot prizes.

    The highlight of the new bill focuses on Article 4, which strictly stipulates how the money obtained through the sales in each 15-day drawing will be spent on government or charity projects.

    NLA’s member Mr. Ammar Siamwalla said he supports the bill due to lottery , similar to alcohol or cigarettes, are evils but there should be a law to govern so the revenue shall be use to develop the country.

    Internal Security bill

    The cabinet on October approved the Council of State revised Internal Security Bill and forwarded to the NLA to pass into law.

    The bill will allow the Thai prime minister to restrict an individual’s movements, order searches, arrest without warrants, prohibit public gatherings and declare a stet of emergency indefinitely- in the name of national security. However, those who wrongly affected by the bill may seek compensation without having to go to court.

    However, there are oppositions from human rights activists and academics on ground that the people’s basic rights and freedom are at risks due to there are many provisions that infringe on human rights and key clauses of the 2007 Constitution.

    Retail business bill approved

    The cabinet meeting on October 16 approved the Retail Business Bill submitted by the Commerce Ministry with principle to protect consumers from unfair dominance by giant retailers and prevent some retailers from monopolizing the market by offering short term low prices to attract customers.

    Upon enforcement, retailers falling into the following 3 categories must get permits from the ministry; 1) those with trading space more than 1,000 sq.m , 2) those with turnover of more than Bt 1,000 million, and 3) those with chain stores with total turnover of more than Bt 1,000 million.

    The bill was once submitted to the cabinet but was withdrawn for revision to eliminating provincial committees so only one central committee, chairs by minister of commerce, will responsible the regulation and supervision of retail business.

    37 provinces to go self-budgeting

    The cabinet meeting on October 16 approved the draft regulation that allow 37 provinces to be self-budgeting as a pilot projects in 2008 fiscal year. Those provinces shall make their make their own development plan and budget plan.

    The number of self-budgeting provinces was changed from 4 to 37 due to reason that provinces are now divided into clusters therefore in order to give clear vision, those in the same cluster should be applied with similar measures.

    It is expecting that all 75 provinces will be self-budgeting in 2009.

    4% pay rise for state enterprises

    The cabinet meeting on October 2 approved the maximum 4% pay rise of 66 state enterprises proposed by Ministry of Labor on condition that each agency shall individually consider a rate accordingly with their performances, efficiency and operational cost without putting burdens on consumers. It is anticipated that the rise will cost Bt 3,638 million to total cost.

    66 state enterprises are divided into 3 categories: 1) the cabinet approved of self designated of wages, benefits and securities, in regards to Article 13(2) of the 2000 State Enterprise Act- 13 , 2) those under the 58-level wage list- 39 and 3) state enterprises with own wage list-14.

    The maximum rate of 4% is applicable to all staffs excluding top executives on contract terms.

    Purple Line mass transit got approval

    The cabinet meeting on October 2 approved the 23 km. Purple Line mass-transit system worth Bt 55 billion, connecting Bangsue to Bangyai. It is expected to begin operation in 2012.

    The State railway of Thailand shall oversee the civil work cost Bt 31 billion while an expenditure of Bt 1.2 billion will be made to hire consultant. Internal bidding for a contractor should be opened this year.

    The project loans shall be responsible by the Finance Ministry of which approximate 25% will come from government subsidiary and the rest 75% from domestic and oversea loans. However, sources of oversea loans are not yet decided but the cabinet agreed that domestic labors should be used as much as possible while Thai technology should be also used in any appropriate sector.

    As for the Red Line Mass Transit route from Bangsue to Rangsit, the Transport Ministry is planning to accelerate its processes, in order to receive cabinet approval this October.

    Green light for surrogate mother

    The cabinet meeting on October 30 approved the draft bill allowing women to become a surrogate mother by giving birth to a child for others to raise. The bill, proposed by Ministry of Social development and Human Security, will be submitted to the Council of State.

    However, the Justice Ministry and the Office of the Prime Minister commented on the controversy that might arise between a surrogate mother, either being the child’s genetic mother or implanted with someone else’s fertilized egg, and the parents of the child that there should be another law legalize the status of the child’s parent and prohibiting the surrogate mother to seek advantage from this reproductive technology.

    Bus fare rises

    The Central Land Transport Committee approved increase of bus fare in category 1 and 4 or private bus operators in Bangkok Metropolitan and peripheral areas by 50 satang- from Bt 8.00 to Bt 8.50. However, the committee agreed to provide better protection to consumers by restructuring the Central Land Transport Committee- which makes the final decision on bus fares- to include consumer representatives. However, transport company, state-owned provider of inter-provincial bus service, has postponed hiking fares for three months until January 1, 2008. The delayed of increase adds Bt 35 million per month to total operational cost.

    Some consumers had file a petition in the Administrative Court over the hike but the court rejected the plea on grounds that it might oppose the state operation.

    Free education for Kamnans and village chiefs

    The cabinet meeting on October 16 agreed on the project to furnish all Kamnans and village chiefs with higher education degree within 6 years. The Bt 590 million project was proposed by Interior Ministry. Pilot project will be started by 3 groups, each of 1,000 people, and cost will be Bt 198 million.

    PM Surayut Chulanont remarked that the education should not focus only on bachelor degree but should allow community college to cooperate and the curriculum should be short term. However, the Interior Ministry confirmed there is no political agenda within the project.

    From : http://www.fpps.or.th
