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July 2007 : August 19, 2007 for Referendum Day

  • Referendum Bill passed NLA simultaneously with the draft Constitution received green light from the CDA, dating August 19 a referendum day.

  • Court jailed 9 leaders of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) for inciting violence.
  • 2008 fiscal budget deficit is 1600 BB.
  • AEC term extended until June 30, 2008.
  • Cabinet approved police restructure plan despite of controversy from former police.
  • The Computer Crime Act allows seizure of computers on private premises suspected of containing pornographic material or cyber crimes.
  • The cabinet approved the Acts on Provident Fund and re-formula of excise tax for alcohol, tobacco and air con import goods.
  • Village chief in 1,750 villages in the deep south will have new 7,000 assistants.
  • The cabinet approved in principle a law to ban all media showing or inducing acts of sex abuses, using of drugs and all other criminal offences including committing suicide.
  • Ban on use of mobile phone while driving.

    August 19 is the referendum day

    The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) on July 25 voted 133-2 to pass the Referendum Bill in its third reading. After royal endorsement and publication in the Royal Gazette, the new law will be effective making August 19, 2007 a nationwide referendum day. However, the Act was renamed to the Orderliness of the Referendum Bill to prevent any misunderstanding that voters would be punished harshly if they did not cast a ballot in the referendum and the punishment was made lessen while allow release of referendum poll result 3 days preceding the vote.

    Previously on July 6, 98 out of 100 members of the Constitution Drafting Committee unanimously approved all 309 chapters of the draft 2007 Constitution. 126,600 copies of the Constitution will be distributed to all households and government agencies.

    The cabinet also approved a budget of 576 million Baht for campaign to raise awareness of the August 19 charter referendum.

    Court jailed DAAD leaders

    The Criminal Court sentenced 9 leaders of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) namely Weera Musikapong, Jatuporn Promphan, Chakraphop Penkae, Nattawut Saikue, Weng Tojirakarn, Manit Jitjanklub, Wiputalang Pattanaphumthai, Apiwan Viriyachai and Jarun Dithapichai to jail for inciting violence during a demonstration rally from Sanam Luang to Privy Council Prem Tinsulanonda’s residence. The anti coup protesters threw a barrage of rocks, chairs and debris to policemen and then clashed with anti-riot police outside Prem’s house causing almost 30 people including policemen injured.

    However, Human Rights Commissioner Jarun Dithapichai went on bail citing his dutiful presiding over several meetings leaving the rest went to temporary stay in the Bangkok Special Jail.

    2008 fiscal budget deficit

    The 2008 Budget Bill was first read by the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) on July 4 is set to Bt 1.66 trillion while the revenue is projected at Bt 1.495 trillion leaving the Bt.165 billion deficit which is equivalent to 1.8 per cent of gross domestic product.

    After the first read, the NLA voted 137-0 with 1 abstain to pass the bill and appointed a 45-members special committee, consisting of 8 -37, government- NLA to amend the bill within 45 days starting from July 6.

    AEC term extended until June 2008

    The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) agreed to extend the Assets Examination Committee’s term until June 30, 2008. However, the NLA agreed to remove a protective clause preventing criminal and civil penalties against the AEC.

    Meanwhile, the organic laws on criminal procedure for persons holding political positions and national counter corruption are added to the AEC’s functions and authorities regard to chapter 2.

    Police reform bill

    The cabinet on July 3 approved 2 draft bills on police reform, proposed by a committee chaired by former police officer Gen. Wasit Dejkunchorn, aiming to promote decentralization of power and establishment of independent committee to investigate petitions against police officials.

    Under the new structure, police forces, still remained under supervision of the prime minister and national police chief, would be decentralize and become more flexible under 9 regional and 1 metropolitan police chiefs. Railway and water police forces would be transferred to Transport Ministry. The bills, expected to become effective by this October, are expected to increase efficiency by 50 per cent.

    Though it is not yet decided whether the whole police agency would be transferred to the Justice Ministry or not there are objections from several former police officers reasoning outsiders could interfere with police work.

    Computer-related Crime

    The cabinet meeting on July 3 agreed to dissolve the 5th Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy (CDRM) regulation on computer-related offence issued last September 20, 2006 on reason that such a crime is now regulated by the 2007 Computer Crime Act.

    The new law, under supervision of the Information and Communication technologies (ICT) Ministry, allows police officers or government inspectors to seize computers on private premises suspected of containing pornographic material or evidence in connection with either general criminal activities or cyber crimes.

    Unauthorized applications and access made to other people’s computers, as well as alteration, deletion or destruction of the information of others are also prevented under the new Act.

    Impostors using others’ identities to send slanderous messages or those who flood information on discussion forums are also subject to criminal penalties under the law as well as circulating pornographic material or libelous content through e-mails to heavy fines.

    Provident Fund Bill

    The cabinet meeting on July 3 approved the draft bill on amendment of Provident Fund Act B.E. 2530, proposed by Secretariat Office, with principle to promote uninterrupted retirement saving in the provident fund scheme in many aspects such as facilitation of the fund transfer from the Government Provident Fund to provident funds, provision for members to receive accrued benefits either as one lump sum amount or as installments, and facilitation of ‘employee’s choice’ concept through the establishment of master fund.

    When the bill was first submitted to the cabinet the Finance Ministry made a remark on the revocation of employee’s right but the cabinet decided to send the bill to the Council of State. After consideration the Council of State decided to forward the bill to NLA in which the Finance Ministry has no objection on the principle but amended on the conditions of time and payment of the joining fund and adding measures for transfer between funds.

    The bill is currently being review by the NLA sub-committee.

    New excise tax formula

    The cabinet on July 3 approved on principle to the Excise Department proposal to re-formulate the tax on 3 import goods; alcohol drinks, tobacco and air condition, to promote fairness between import and domestic goods.

    Excise tax on import goods, currently base on place-of-origin C.I.F. prices, are miscalculate and not reflect the genuine market price. Moreover, definition on manufacturing sale price will be included to clarify the ‘ sale price’ and the department chief shall be authorized to proclaim ‘standard prices’ for calculation of excise taxes when prices do not reflect real market price or real price can not be obtained.

    New 7,000 village chief assistants in deep south

    The Cabinet on July 3 approved the Interior Ministry proposal to increase 1,750 villages in the three deep southern provinces; Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and some districts of Songkhla namely Jana, Tepha, Na Tawee and Saba Yoi, with 5 village chief assistants each, totaled 7,000 positions. The appointment shall be incrementally increased in the 3 fiscal years starting from 2007 until 2009.

    Ban on pornographic media

    The cabinet meeting on July 10 approved in principle of a law to ban all media showing or inducing acts of sex abuses, using of drugs and all other criminal offences including committing suicide with penalties of 1-5 imprisonment. However, penalties are liable to increase 3 times if it is proven that the producers, traders and beholders of those medias done it for business purpose or sexually abusing a child, or both. Offenders are subject to criminal regard to the Money Laundering Act and liable to asset seizure.

    Ban on use of mobile phone while driving

    The cabinet meeting on July 10 approved a draft legislation prohibiting motorists from using mobile phones or any other communication apparatus while driving. However, hands-free communication devices were acceptable.

    The law is now heads to the NLA for approval.

    From : http://www.fpps.or.th
