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May 2002 : Confidential Votes for 15 Ministers

The House of Representatives gave confidential votes to 15 cabinet members after long debate 4 days and 3 nights (22-25 May) and the opposition party launches impeachment proceeding to 9 from 15 ministers. Poonsub Piya-anan, former chief of the Budget Bureau was picked to be the second ombudsman. The government decided to postpone Bo Nok- Ban Krut power plant projects while gives green light to Thai-Malaysian gas pipeline. A House panel was set to hear public opinion on charter amendment in 5 regions while the EC also concluded problems and obstacles in implementation of the organic law for further recommendations of charter amendment. The 4th mobile cabinet meeting was scheduled in the eastern region.

Censure debate ended

The House majority gave confidential votes to all 15 cabinet members in the censure debate between 22-25 May after the opposition party filed impeachment proceeding of the 9 ministers through the Senate Speaker, Manoonkrit Roopkachorn. The impeachment is in accord to article 303 and 304 of the constitution and the 15 ministers was categorized in 3 according to the non-confidential procedures;

1] Targeted for censure only, 7.
2] Targeted for impeachment and censure, 8.
3] Targeted for impeachment only, 1, Transport minister, Wan Mohamad Nor Matha.

Details and results of the censure motion are as follows:

Though the 15 ministers were all confidentially voted, the Senate Speakers submitted the petition for impeachment of those 9 ministers to the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC). If the commission decided that the accusations have evidence the cases will be sent back to the Senate for voting. The accused minister would be removed from position if at least 3/5 or 120 members in the 200 seats House of Senate voted against him, the case would be sent to the Supreme Court's political crime division if ministers were found guilty of corruption.

2nd ombudsman picked
The House of Senate gave 129 votes for former Budget Bureau chief, Poonsab Piya-anand as ombudsman attached to the parliament. Three other candidates besides Mr. Poonsab are Payond Pansri, former deputy secretariat to the Election Commission, Yanyong Tanompichai; former Forestry Department chief and Supachok Reungwan; former deputy secretariat of NCCC.
The constitution stated that there should be three ombudsman but only Pichet Sunthornpipit was elected. The selection panel will later announce for application of the third ombudsman to be picked by the House of Senate.

Gas project approved
The prime minister has approved construction of the Thai-Malaysian gas pipeline project in Songkla but postponed the Bo Nok and Ban Krut power plants. PTT Plc. will relocate the gas pipeline plant 5 km. further to avoid controversy with local people.
The decision to postpone the power plant project was decided in regards to the energy demand in the future. It was estimated that energy reserves will be sufficient until 2007. The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand would discuss with the two developers to find solutions to the postponing.
After the announcement, more than 1,000 villagers in Songkla protested that they would not allow the gas pipeline project to be built on any of their territory. The villagers in Bo Nok and Ban Krut also submitted a letter to the prime minister asking the projects to be cancelled than postponed. They said the two projects have impact on environment, way of life, public health and violation of human rights. The contracts lacked of transparency in bidding. The PM appointed a committee to investigate in contracts signing and administration.

Senates hearing on charter amendment
The Upper House investigation panel on constitution amendment will organize public hearing in the 5 regions started from May. MR. Kamloonthep Devakul will be the chairperson replaced Choompol Silpa-acha who resigned. Chiengmai and Pitsanulok will be the venue in the north, Songkla , Nakorn Sri Thammarat or Surat Thani in the south, Sri Sa Ket, Mahasarakam, Sakol Nokorn or Nakorn Ratsasrima in the northeastern, Nakorn Sawan and Bangkok in the central and Chantaburi in the east.
The topics of hearing are identify as problems and obstacles of political reform, efficiency of the legislation power, accessibility to the state power, authoritarian and inspection.
There will be brainstorming of ideas from members of the independent agencies, educational agencies, media, and former constitution drafting panels, senators and members of the parliament. All hearings are scheduled to be finished by October 11 when the constitution will be implemented for 5 years.

Proposal to amend laws
The Office of the Election Commission revealed a study on problems and obstacles of an organic law on Election and Political Parties with 5 recommendations as follows:
1.Amendment of article 104 of the constitution and article 83 of the Election law on expatriate vote only for party-list MPs.
2.Clarification and amendment of article 68 of the constitution and article 23 of the Election law on losing the political rights of a person failed to cast a ballot. The current penalty is vague and should be incentives than penalty.
3.Extension of "voting date" to cover advance vote in article 116 of the constitution and article 4 of the Election law.
4.Cleary state the period " prior the election" in article 147(2) and articles 40 and 41 in the Election laws due to the purging of candidates whose evidence of malpractices such as giving things prior to the announcement of the election in the royal gazette.
5.Annul of senates and MPs regards to the EC called for ballots recount in article 118 in the constitution and article 96 of the Election law.

The Office of the EC will submit conclusions and recommendations to the Election Commission for further consideration.

Eastern region mobile cabinet meeting
The Office of the Prime Minister announced mobile cabinet meeting in the eastern region schedule between21-23 June. The cabinet will meet in Rayong to investigate into environmental problems from oil, gas, petroleum and vehicles from industrial promotion for export. The Trad's issue will be on promotion of Thai fruits to international markets, promotion of Koh Chang for tourism and salt water irrigation and mangrove re-forestation are topics in Chantaburi.
Development strategy for the eastern region is expected to be concluded after this cabinet meeting.

From : http://www.fpps.or.th